Rocky Mountain Rebel

Read Rocky Mountain Rebel for Free Online

Book: Read Rocky Mountain Rebel for Free Online
Authors: Vivian Arend
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Western
Karen in the dark, or we tell them something else.”
    He shrugged. “Not like we have to tell them anything, really.”
    “They’re going to assume we’re seeing each other.”
    Oh hell. She was right.
    The initial dismay that struck faded far too quickly. Only two days earlier Jesse’s suggestion he had the hots for the woman had made him squirm.
    Why wasn’t he nearly so upset with the idea anymore?
    He kept their gazes locked together, refusing to look her over, no matter how much he wanted to. “So what?”
    “So…it’s not true. We’re not dating. I’m not going out with you, because if I did, people will then assume I’m also fooling around with Jesse. I’m not a slut.”
    He could have sworn his jaw hit his chest. He’d never expected to hear those words pop out of her mouth. “I never said you were.”
    Her chin rose a fraction of an inch. “Plenty of others have said it.”
    She was right about that.
    His brain whirled with ideas. He wasn’t sure why this woman had gotten under his skin, but damn if he didn’t suddenly want to toss everything to the side and help Vicki make a change. He had a feeling an even break wasn’t something that came her way very often.
    No matter how much trouble it was, he made a decision. He was in. One hundred percent. If the town rebel wanted to clean up her act, he was game.
    “You’re planning on moving out of town, if all this works out?” Joel asked.
    Vicki nodded.
    “If I promise there will be no games with Jesse involved, will you go out with me?”
    Her righteous anger blurred into confusion. “Go out—? Joel, I want to learn to ride.”
    He tried, he really tried, but he couldn’t stop his lips from twitching, even though he buried the full-out grin.
    She swung a fist into her thigh hard enough it had to hurt. “A horse, you ass. Yes, I know the goddamn song, but I want to ride a horse without freaking out.”
    “And I promise we’ll work at that as well. But maybe diving in at the deep end would help deal with the idiots. I’m not saying I won’t try to help if you don’t date me. But if you and I are hanging out together for a long, steady time, that could go a long way to killing some of the…”
    Shit. How much did he want to admit about the talk of the town?
    “The rumours how the Hansol girls are loose and easy? You don’t have to try to protect me, Joel.” She glared up into the tree where the leaves were slowly changing colour. “I’ve heard pretty much everything you could repeat. Hell, Eric Tell doesn’t even feel the need to temper his talk during full daylight in public places.”
    “Yeah, but he’s an asshole.”
    She snorted. “No arguments there.”
    Joel reached for her hand. “We could do this. We can make sure it’s crystal clear it’s just you and me involved, and frankly…”
    He trickled to a stop. Vicki’s body language was all tied up tight, and she wasn’t giving an inch yet. She’d been honest with him about her fears? Maybe she needed a little reciprocated honesty.
    “In a way, you’d be doing me a favour. You know that reputation you’re worried about? Jesse’s and mine?”
    Lord, the faces this woman could pull.
    “If you two were women you’d have been painted as harlots ages ago. Instead you’re held up as sexual heroes.”
    “I know, it’s damn unfair, but honestly I’m getting tired of it. It’s time to get this town to see me and Jesse in a different light, and you and I dating would help a lot.”
    Vicki stepped back a pace, freeing her hand, her alert gaze looking him over. “And Jesse’s going to simply agree with you? Because if he fucks around, it won’t help either of our situations.”
    “I’ll take care of Jesse.” Confidence was rising. “Not a problem.”
    “And you’ll help me get over being afraid of horses?”
    “I’ll give it a shot.”
    Vicki stared out over the water for a minute. “We’re both crazy, but it might work. You’re right. I shouldn’t give a

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