Roadside Picnic
fourth nut. There was something wrong with its trajectory. I couldn’t explain what was wrong, but I sensed that it wasn’t right. I grabbed Kirill’s hand.
    “Hold it,” I said. “Don’t move an inch.”
    I picked up another one and threw it higher and further. There it was, the mosquito mange! The nut flew up normally and seemed to be dropping normally, but halfway down it was as if something pulled it to the side, and pulled it so hard that when it landed it disappeared into the clay.
    “Did you see that?” I whispered.
    “Only in the movies.” He was straining to see and I was afraid he’d fall out of the boot. “Throw another one, huh?”
    It was funny and sad. One! As though one would be enough! Oh, science. So I threw eight more nuts and bolts until I knew the shape of this mange spot. To be honest, I could have gotten by with seven, but I threw one just for him smack into the middle, so that he could enjoy his concentrate. It crashed into the clay like it was a ten-pound weight instead of a bolt. It crashed and left a hole in the clay. He grunted with pleasure.
    “OK,” I said, “we had our fun, now let’s go. Watch closely. I’m throwing out a pathfinder, don’t take your eyes off it.”
    So we got around the mosquito mange spot and got up on the hillock. It was so small that it looked like a cat turd. I had never even noticed it before. We hovered over the hillock. The asphalt was less than twenty feet away. It was clear. I could see every blade of grass, every crack. It looked like a snap. Just throw the nut and be on with it.
    I couldn’t throw the nut.
    I didn’t understand what was happening to me, but I just couldn’t make up my mind to throw that nut.
    “What’s the matter?” asked Kirill. “Why are we just standing here?”
    “Wait,” I said. “Just shut up.”
    I thought I’d toss the nut and then we’ll quietly move along, like coasting on melted butter, without disturbing a blade of grass. Thirty seconds and we’re on the asphalt. And suddenly I broke out in a sweat! My eyes were blinded by it. And I knew that I wouldn’t be throwing the nut there. To the left, as many as you want. The road was longer that way, and there was a bunch of pebbles that didn’t seem too cozy, but I was ready to throw in that direction. But not straight ahead. Not for anything. So I threw the nut to the left. Kirill said nothing, turned the boot, and drove up to the nut. Then he looked over at me. I must have looked pretty bad because he looked away immediately.
    “It’s all right,” I said. “The path around is faster.” I tossed the last nut onto the asphalt.
    It was a lot simpler after that. I found the crack, and it was still clean, not overgrown with any garbage, and unchanged in color. I just looked at it and rejoiced in silence. It led us to the garage door better than any pylons or signposts.
    I ordered Kirill to descend to four feet. I lay flat on my belly and looked into the open doors. At first I couldn’t see anything because of the bright sunlight. Just blackness. Then my eyes grew accustomed and I saw that nothing seemed to have changed in the garage since the last time. The dump truck was still parked over the pit, in perfect shape, without any holes or spots. And everything was still the same on the cement floor – probably because there wasn’t too much witches’ jelly in the pit and it hadn’t splashed out since that time. There was only one thing that I didn’t like. In the very back of the garage, near the canisters, I could see something silvery. That hadn’t been there before. Well, all right, so there was something silvery, we couldn’t go back now just because of that! I mean it didn’t shine in any special way, just a little bit and in a calm, even a gentle way. I just got up, brushed myself off, and looked around. There were the trucks on the lot, just like new. Even newer than they had been the last time I was here. And the gasoline truck, the poor bastard

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