Road to Passion
him to.”
    I gasped. “You did? Why?”
    “Because I couldn’t stand the
thought of another man touching you.”
    “Oh,” I whispered and bit my lip.
    “Yeah, oh.” He leaned down to kiss
me again. “Come and meet some of my brothers, then we’ll talk some more.”
    “Don’t you have to work?”
    “I’ll work better if you’re
    “How so?”
    He got nose-to-nose with me.
“Because instead of finding my fantasies getting away from me, distracting me
from my job, I’ll have the real thing close by.”
    I laughed, patting his chest.
“Oh, you’re good.”
    “We’ve got close to five hours
before we open, so we’ll sort out the deliveries, have dinner, and then you’ll
go, yeah?”
    “What if I want to stay the whole
    Mack took a deep breath, sliding
his hand to my neck again. “It’s not a good idea for you to stay tonight,
Darien. If you want to come back another time, I can arrange it, but I have a
shit ton of work to do tonight and we wouldn’t get to spend any time together.”
    “Maybe I should go now, then.”
    He shook his head. “Right now,
I’ve got time, so I’d love it if you stayed.”
    Taking my hand, he guided me out
of his office and to the front of the club.
    “Yo, Mack!” A tall, incredibly
good-looking dark-haired man was attached to the booming voice.
    “Hey, man, what’s the problem?”
    The man handed Mack a clipboard.
“Supplier shipped the wrong fuckin’ amount again.”
    Mack released my hand and scanned
the pages. “Okay, I’ll deal with it. Knight, meet Darien.”
    I reached my hand out. “Hi.”
    Knight took my hand with a smile.
“Nice to meet you.”
    “Give me a second, babe,” Mack
said, and left me standing with Knight as he pulled out his phone and walked
    “You’re Pauley’s sister,” Knight
    “I am. Do you know her?”
    “Met her a few times when I go in
to the restaurant to see Kim.” Knight smiled. “You and Pauley look alike.”
    I chuckled. “You’re sweet. My
sister’s gorgeous.”
    “So are you.”
    I blushed and dropped my head
slightly. “Sorry, I don’t mean to act weird; I just don’t hear that often.” I
raised my head. “And I’m not saying that to try and get a compliment, just so
you know.”
    Knight laughed.
    “I have a little filter problem.”
    He grinned. “Don’t change a
thing, Darien.”
    Mack walked back to us, a curious
expression on his face. “You okay?”
    “I’m fine,” I said, and smiled.
    He handed Knight the clipboard.
“They’re gonna fix it and give us a thirty percent discount.”
    “Are they guaranteeing it won’t
happen again?”
    “Later,” Mack said.
    Knight nodded. “Nice to meet you,
    “You too,” I said, and watched
Knight take the bottles of alcohol behind the bar. I smiled up at Mack. “You’re
busy. I should go.”
    “I hate to admit you’re right,
but this is something I need to deal with.”
    “Totally get it.”
    “I’ll walk you to your car.”
    I nodded. “Thanks.”
    Mack took my hand again and we
walked out to my awaiting car. I pressed the key fob and pulled open the
driver’s door, but before I could climb in, Mack slid his hand around my waist.
“I’ll call you later.”
    “If you’re busy, call me
    He smiled. “I’ll call you
    “Suit yourself. Can I ask you
    “Of course.”
    “Were you and Kim—”
    “No,” he interrupted.
    “Why not? She’s gorgeous.”
    He smiled. “One, she’s Dani’s
best friend. Conflict of interest, since Booker and I are tight. Two, we’d kill
each other and we recognized that pretty early on, so it never happened.”
    “Did you want it to?”
    “Not really. Honestly, babe, we
knew we’d be nothing more than friends and she’s more like a sister to me now,
so it’s just never been on the table.”
    “Ask, yeah?” He patted my hip.
“Always ask. I’ve never been a saint, but

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