Riss Series 4: The Riss Accession
noticeable reaction.
    "They need the right mental
attitude, battle experience , and demonstrated tactical skill. A Riss should
be able to fix most physical problems in an accepted candidate, but we should be
aware of any beforehand."
    "Admiral Plimson is a remarkable
man. Most in his position would have executed, jailed, or confined you and the
Riss to Freeland. In either case , they would have lost the Riss technology and twovaluable allies—the Riss and the clans. He , on the other hand , has
given you unrestricted approval. I’ll contact Da'Maass and let you
know the results."
    Next, I made my way to the Shark area and found Commander
Byer in Shark bay S1.
    "Good morning…
    "Yes, Captain would be best . Life is
confusing enough."
    "Captain Reese, I'm glad you and
Admiral Plimson came to an agreement. My people weren't looking forward to leaving the Mnemosyne .
You've spoiled us."
    "I can't tell you how happy I am to
have you back. You’re friends and people I can trust in good times and bad ."
    "Thank you. You should know that
Plimson, on my recommendation, has increased the squadron to fifteen Ghosts . "
    "Commander, I’d like you to head up
a team to include folks from the Eirene and the clans and determine ways to
effectively engage the Aliens' kamikaze fighters. You should consider tactics as well as possible new
technology on the Ghosts and
the Riss cruisers. Contact Ta'Lona . He's the new project manager and tasked with
working on a solution."
    "Thank you. I hope I'll never again
have to see the kind of losses they caused at Fools Landing."
    "Me neither." I nodded my
farewell and made my way to the Intel section.
    Verifying my identity and authorization was
pointless, so the guards just waved me through—they knew me from my
workouts; I was their Gunny's friend; Iglis had authorized my access ; and two of
their fellow Scorpions followed me.
    I found Iglis talking with a young petty
officer. "Good morning, Commander," I said as I approached.
    Her head jerked up, and she straightened
almost to attention. "Captain Reese. I'm glad we didn't lose you."
She smiled. "Admiral Butler has made a few changes. I'm no longer the station Intel
    I frowned. I had hoped my change in status hadn't
impacted anyone’s lifeseriously .
    "I'm nowAdmiral
Butler's liaison , and all Freeland Intel goes through me."
    Relieved, I offered her my hand, and her
brief clasp was firm. "Congratulations. That was a smart move on his part . It's best we
try to keep the Riss a separate nation, supporting the SAS with no direct or
indirect ties. The Riss-humans have all resigned their commissions, and the
units attached to the Riss cruisers don’t report to the Captain. They are
assigned only to support the ship's mission as directed
by Admiral Wattson."
    "Clever and sneaky. As station
Intel, I would be restricted to Freeland. Now I'm free to accompany the Riss and
better able to keep him apprised of the overall situation." She grinned.
    After her assurances she and I would
continue to bend the rules, I left for the Scorpion area.
    Terril met me as I entered. Probably she'd
been warned by my security guards. "Captain Reese, you scared everyone.
Being Riss certified and serving on a Riss cruiser—after Fools
Landing—is the elite of the army's elite. And being on your guard duty the place to
be. If I sold slots, I could retire in luxury within a year."
    As she talked, Colonel Seng joined us. "Good
afternoon, Captain. My people and I are glad you didn't desert us. We've
become quite fond of you. Although no one would have blamed you, I believe we would have
lost a vital ally, and it might have driven a wedge between the army and the
navy and possibly between the Sharks and the ship personnel. After all, when
they shoot at the Riss, they’re shooting as Sharks and Scorpions." His eyes
sparkled, and his upper lip twitched a bit. "Admiral Plimson has made it
crystal clear we do not report to you and are here only to support

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