Rise & Walk (Book 2): Pathogen

Read Rise & Walk (Book 2): Pathogen for Free Online

Book: Read Rise & Walk (Book 2): Pathogen for Free Online
Authors: Gregory Solis
Tags: Zombies
Nikki showed no interest to continue the family tradition and become a teacher like both of her parents.  She supposed that he was even more disappointed in her interest in leaving the area for college.  Nikki didn’t know what she wanted to do, she just knew that she didn’t want to teach and she sure as hell didn’t want to stay in Whisper.  She had spent so many years wanting to get out from under her parent’s roof and their rules.  But now as she saw the blacked-out area that was her neighborhood, Nikki felt a terrible longing for home.
    Mason stood about twenty yards away from the guardrail shining a path on the dirt with the red flashlight for his friend to follow.  Tony recognized a look of tired resolve in his friend’s posture.  As he neared, the stark image of Jack’s grimace shadowed in dull red was disconcerting.
    “She okay?” Jack asked nodding towards Nikki.
    “She wants to get her parents.”
    “Then what?” Mason asked.
    “Don’t know.” Tony said, “Maybe hole up with them until morning.  Find out more of what’s going on.”
    “I’d feel a lot better if we could get some ammo first. What’s that plant look like…?” 
    Gunfire crackled in the distance like popcorn dropped in hot oil.  Rapid pops and blasts echoed from the ammunition plant.  Jack’s ears told him that the weapons fire was coming from a number of different weapons.  Tires squealed and more shots fired.  He dashed parallel to Nikki and reached for her binoculars.  She fumbled with the strap and hurried to give him the glasses. 
    Mason mentally cursed while scanning the perimeter of the Ammunition plant.  He saw sporadic bursts of weapon’s fire about the compound but was too far away to discern anything more.  Bright flashes lit up an alley between two buildings accompanied by the slightly delayed sound of small arms.  Three dull-black vehicles shot past his field of view.
    “Is that a firefight or just one group panicking?” Mason wondered underneath the binoculars.
    A booming report split the night and echoed through the valley.  The thunderous weapon barked again with a supersonic crack.
    “That’s a big rifle,” Tony whispered in awe.
    Mason’s hope for more ammunition disappeared with the realization that either the dead were inside the perimeter of the plant or a number of well armed men were; possibly both.  Lowering the binoculars he looked at Nikki.  She was staring off towards a cluster of homes with a pained expression.
    “Nikki, does your Pop own a gun?” He asked.
    “No, Mom doesn’t like ‘em.”
    “Figures.” Jack sighed then continued to her.
    “Look for a pen and something to write on in the glove compartment.  Draw us a map of your neighborhood, as best you can.”  Mason said as he handed the young blond Tony’s flashlight.  She turned and double-timed back to the truck.  Tony moved to follow but was stopped by Mason’s hand on his shoulder. 
    “Hold on man.”
    “What’s up?” Tony asked worried by the weight of his friend’s tone.  Mason waited until Nikki was well away.
    “What if her parents are dead?” Jack asked while looking down and scratching his head.
    The thought hadn’t occurred to Tony.  He shuttered at the grim possibility. 
    “Shit,” Tony said slowly, “I’ll stay with her until we find out.”
    Jack hesitated then looked up.
    “You might have to put ‘em down.”
    Tony recognized the doubt in his voice.
    “Yeah…” he reasoned unable to finish.
    Tony’s attention fell on the light in the truck cab as Nikki jumped in the cab.  He saw her pretty blond hair fall over her face as she began searching the glove box.  The thought of her parents joining the ranks of the rotting army gave Tony a hopeless feeling.  He resolved that he would stick by her.  If her parents had become mindless monsters, he would protect Nikki and put them out of their misery.   The three shells he had should be enough for the task. He would act

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