probably transferred on the weapon used."
In turn, Macbeth and Craven examined one of the slides. The bug on it was hairy and leggy with claws and vicious jaws.
"Human lice are Anoplura. Sucking lice," Gill said. "Lice with jaws are Mallophaga. Chewing lice," she added. "Whatever host shed these, it didn't walk on two legs."
2:25 P.M.
The mindhunter of today evolved from the manhunter of the past. It used to be a cop's rule of thumb was in 80 percent of murder cases the victim knew the killer. Money, hate, passion, revenge: these were real-life motives, not the psycho fantasies peddled in comics and crime fiction. The Joker, Goldfmger, and Fu Manchu gave cops a good laugh.
Then, thirty years ago, evil began to change.
The demons who brought this change about are now household names: the Mad Bomber, the Plainfield Ghoul, the Boston Strangler, the Moors Murderers, the Nurse Killer, the Tower Sniper, the Manson Family, the Son of Sam, Zodiac, the People's Temple, the Killer Clown, the Hillside Stranglers, the Coed Killer, the Yorkshire Ripper, the Milwaukee Cannibal, to list a few. Forty-five percent of today's murders are "stranger-to-stranger crimes," and more than half of those result from psycho fantasies.
Serial killers have stalked the unwary throughout history, but only recently have their atrocities reached epidemic proportions. Random, seemingly motiveless murders offer few physical clues to the killer's identity, especially when such crimes are sexual in nature.
Sexual homicide is defined as one person killing another in the context of power, control, sexuality, and aggressive brutality. The hallmark of sexual sadism is the infliction of physical or psychological suffering on the victim in order to achieve sexual excitement. Such crimes are never "motiveless," but often the motive is one understood only by the killer. Sexual homicide originates in fantasy, for fantasy is what drives sadistic behavior.
Clearly, hunting this type of killer requires a special cop. A mindhunter able to peer inside the killer's head.
Psychological profiling from crime scene analysis is the latest weapon in the Mounties' arsenal. Developed by the FBI's Behavioral Science Unit, profiling is the means by which mindhunters solve fantasy-driven crimes. The premise behind its effectiveness is the way a person thinks directs his behavior. Behavior reflects personality, so reconstructing what the killer did to produce the crime scene profiles the makeup of who's responsible.
A psychiatrist studies a person to predict how he will act in the future. What a mindhunter does is reverse the process. He studies a killer's deeds to deduce what kind of person the killer is.
"From a drop of water," said Sherlock Holmes, "a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other."
A crime scene speaks its own language of behavior patterns. Unlike detective fiction where the case is often solved by one tiny clue, a profiler considers all clues and how they interrelate. His skill is in recognizing the crime scene dynamics that link the murder in question to a known deviant type. Most victims of bizarre murder are women or children. Overwhelmingly the killers are men. The weirder the crime scene, the darker the psychological fingerprint left behind. Profiling narrows the police investigation.
The mindhunter with Special X was Inspector Eric Chan.
Robert DeClercq's office at E Division Headquarters was on the second floor of the Tudor building at 33rd and Heather. The room was an airy, high-vaulted loft, with windows facing the Conservatory in Queen Elizabeth Park. Three Victorian library tables U'd to form a horseshoe served as his desk. His chair was an antique from the Force's curly days, high-backed with a barley-sugar frame crowned with the crest of the North-West Mounted Police. DeClercq returned from Rosetown where he'd talked with Zinc to find Chan feet-up in the chair,
Dave Nasser and Lynne Barrett-Lee