on. “I want you to know that I finally arrived at an even better solution to dear
Fivepence’s little trouble. I was having my six-monthly check-up at the dentist and Dr
Levy gave me an injection of local anaesthetic to deaden the pain.” She hesitated as if
ashamed to confess to a weakness. “Of course in the old days we never bothered with such
nonsense. A little pain never hurt anyone. But Dr Levy insisted and afterwards I was so
glad I had had it. You see I suddenly realized how I could stop Fivepence being overcome
by the intensity of his feelings for me.” She paused. There was indeed no need for her to
Kommandant van Heerden’s lightning intellect had raced ahead and had grasped the point
quite firmly. Besides he was beginning to understand, though only fitfully, the train
of thought that Miss Hazelstone was bound to follow.
At this moment he visualized the scene in court which would follow the disclosure
that Miss Hazelstone had made it a habit to inject her black cook’s penis with a
hypodermic syringe filled with novocaine before allowing him to have sexual
intercourse with her. He visualized it and vowed that it would never happen, even if it
meant he had to kill her to prevent it.
Despairingly his gaze wandered round the assembly of long-dead Hazelstones adorning
the walls of the drawing-room and he hoped they appreciated the sacrifices he was
prepared to make to save their family name from the shame that Miss Hazelstone seemed
hell-bent on bestowing on it. The bit about the novocaine injections was an innovation
in sexual techniques of such a bizarre nature that it wouldn’t just hit the national
headlines. The newspapers of the world would splash that titbit in foot-high letters
across their front pages. He couldn’t begin to think how they would actually word it, but
he had every confidence in their editors’ abilities to make it sensational. He tried to
imagine what sort of sensation Fivepence had found it to be and reached the conclusion
that the cook’s death at the muzzle of that awful elephant gun must have seemed a
relatively comfortable release from the continual practice of Miss Hazelstone
plunging the needle of her hypodermic syringe into the top of his cock. The Kommandant
wondered idly if Fivepence had had a foreskin. It was a fact that they would never be able
to ascertain now.
The thought caused him to glance out of the window to see how Konstabel Els was getting
on. He noted, with what little astonishment Miss Hazelstone’s confession had left in
him, that Els had regained his head for heights, not to mention Fivepence’s, and had somehow
managed to reach the ground where he was busily seeking promotion by kicking the Indian
butler into collecting the scattered remains of the Zulu cook and putting them into a
pillowcase. Els was, as usual, the Kommandant thought, being a bit optimistic. They
didn’t need anything as large as a pillowcase. A spongebag would have done just as
Chapter 4
Behind him Miss Hazelstone, evidently exhausted by her confession, sat back silent
in her armchair and gazed happily into her memories. Kommandant van Heerden slumped
into a chair opposite her and gazed with less satisfaction into his immediate
future. What Miss Hazelstone had revealed to him he had no doubt she would reveal to the
world if he gave her half a chance and at all costs those revelations had got to be stopped
in their tracks. His own career, the reputation of Zululand’s leading family, the whole
future of South Africa clearly depended on Miss Hazelstone’s silence. His first duty was
to ensure that no word of the afternoon’s events leaked out of Jacaranda Park. Kommandant
van Heerden had little faith in his own ability to prevent that leak. He had none
whatsoever in Els’.
The Kommandant knew from bitter experience that Konstabel Els was incapable of
keeping anything, money,