Right Of Possession

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Book: Read Right Of Possession for Free Online
Authors: Jayne Castle
you calmly stepped over his body, put your hand in mine, and followed me out into the street. My God, Reva! I wanted to shout to the world that I'd found my woman at last. That she'd trusted me without asking any questions. Just put her hand in mine and walked out the door with me!"
    Reva wanted to argue, to say something that made her action sensible. But the truth was she had taken the risk of trusting him without real evidence that he was any different from the man he'd shot in front of her. In many ways he'd looked vastly more dangerous than the young, violent guerrilla who'd attacked her. But she'd taken one
    look at the honey-brown eyes and known that everything was all right. This man would take care of her. "You took care of me, Josh, and I'll never forget it, but . . "
    "I'm going to take care of you for the rest of our lives, honey," he promised simply. "You're mine."
    "No," she said in a steadfast, utterly determined voice. "I don't belong to any man. What you're offering is not the sort of relationship I want, Josh. And soon enough you'll be going back to your . . . your job and forgetting all about me."
    "You've really convinced yourself of that, haven't you?" he said after a moment's silence.
    "Yes. It's the truth."
    "And you'd send me away tonight? Leave me cold and hungry for you after all these months of waiting?" he went on in disbelieving wonder.
    "Just because I made the mistake of sleeping with you once under very trying circumstances doesn't mean I'm foolish enough to repeat the error!"
    "You're so sure it was a mistake?" he sighed, his face an unreadable mask as he watched her.
    "Yes, Josh. I'm sure." She could feel the clash of wills begin to go in her favor. All she had to do was stay firm, Reva told herself. She kept very still in his lap, afraid to make a movement that might provoke him.
    "You trusted me once, Reva," he began carefully.
    "And I trust you now not to ask any more of me than I'm willing to give tonight," she interposed softly.
    Without a word he tucked her head against his chest, under his chin. "I'd never hurt you, Reva, you must believe that." There was an ocean of feeling in the words, and against her will Reva felt them pull at her heart. She must not weaken!
    "I believe it."
    "But this matter has to be worked out, little one. You can't expect me to simply walk back out of your life now that I've found you again. I made up my mind the day I rescued you that you were going to belong to me. I can see you've built up some silly barriers in your head, but I can tear them down, and I will. But I'm going to resent every minute of the time that will be wasted teaching you the facts of life all over again," he added with a startlingly lighter note in his dark voice.
    Reva raised her head in quick suspicion, nearly fetching up solidly against his chin. "Josh, I'm not just being stubborn! I know what I want and you'll only make things unnecessarily difficult if you persist in thinking there's something special in our acquaintance!" Her brows drew together in a frown as she wondered what he was planning.
    "But fortunately," he went on with great calm, "I have plenty of time off to bring you to your senses. Where do I sleep, since I gather you're not going to offer me your bed?" He quirked an eyebrow at her in patient inquiry.
    "You're not staying here, Josh!" There was a trace of desperation in her voice, Reva thought, trying frantically to get it under control.
    "Yes, I am," he told her, setting her firmly on her feet and getting to his own. "I've already checked out of my hotel and I have no intention of hunting up another. Furthermore, I'm the man who saved your life four months ago. It seems to me the least you could do is put me up for the night!"
    Reva stared at him, not quite certain how to take his new mood. He'd banked the fires of his passion with the iron will of a man who can exercise complete self-control when he chooses, but she wasn't sure what his next move
    was going to be.

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