Dare You to Run

Read Dare You to Run for Free Online

Book: Read Dare You to Run for Free Online
Authors: Dawn Ryder
a secret. There were people watching her now. Critiquing her with gauging looks as they contemplated how much trouble she might be to their own agendas. She didn’t care. At least not about the ones who viewed her as a potential problem. What left her mouth dry were the men who swept her from head to toe like a prize racing horse. They were contemplating making a try for getting a saddle on her, which of course was what her sire wanted. All of her grooming and poise was designed to bring in a match that would add weight to her sire’s bid for the vice presidency. That was why she couldn’t marry the man she loved.
    Her sire would kill Vitus before he’d ever see his chances for the vice presidency threatened. She didn’t doubt his sincerity, which was why she’d left Vitus. It had been the only way to truly protect him. At least Vitus hated her now. She took that bit of knowledge and hugged it close to her heart. It was very dear, because Vitus Hale wasn’t a man to bend in the face of a threat. Her lips curved into a genuine smile as she thought about him. No, he had a warrior spirit, one that would face off with anyone who threatened him.
    Her smile faded as her belly knotted with the harsh knowledge of just how different her sire was from Vitus. Jeb Ryland’s concept of honor was twisted. Her sire wouldn’t fight fairly. Oh no, he’d move to strike Vitus from any angle that would ensure his victory, dirty ploys perfectly acceptable.
    So she’d left Vitus and let him think it was her choice. Being a liar was a small cost to pay in return for knowing the man she loved would live.
    *   *   *
    â€œTonight’s ceremony will be a little more personal than the last one you assisted with,” the liaison explained to her.
    Damascus felt a tingle touch her nape. She wasn’t sure just why, only that it felt like the world was tilting off-center.
    â€œI’m sure you’re excited to finally get the chance to personally thank your rescuer…” The liaison continued without noticing what effect her words were having. She kept right on walking through the back corridor toward the reception room, which was already crowded with press. They were stacked deep, their security badges hanging around their necks in plain view of the Secret Service as they waited to capture a shot worthy of the front page.
    â€œI don’t understand,” Damascus said, but she was getting a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, that gripping sort of sensation that only one man on the face of the planet had ever given her.
    The liaison looked over her shoulder and flashed her a smile. “It does take time to get a SEAL to attend one of these medal functions.”
    Damascus froze. It felt like her lungs had just seized up, suspending her between breaths. Something deep inside her was stirring, straining against the bonds she’d imprisoned her emotions for Vitus with.
    â€œAre you all right?” The liaison’s voice rose in pitch, drawing the attention of two of the Secret Service. They jerked their attention toward her, sweeping her from head to toe.
    â€œYes.” Damascus pushed her response through frozen lips. The last thing she needed was attention drawn to the moment. Her sire would jump on that as proof she wasn’t as docile as he believed.
    There was no way she was going to see her carefully plotted plan turned into Swiss cheese.
    And then what are you going to do?
    She had no idea, only that she had to hold onto her composure or place the man she loved at risk. She would simply have to find a way to maintain her poise.
    Which of course was something she had never been able to do when it came to Vitus Hale.
    *   *   *
    The press loved medal-pinning ceremonies. Well, at least they enjoyed them when there wasn’t something juicier to sink their cameras into.
    â€œAre you ready Ms. Ryland?” the liaison asked

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