Revenge (Book 3 of Lost Highlander series)
made plans.
    “Did you already make plans?” Piper asked. “When do you sleep?”
    “With Mags, very little anymore, actually. But Mel and I came up with some rudimentary ideas this morning while you were still up in bed with Lachlan.” She childishly waggled her eyebrows and Piper looked down, her cheeks blazing. Since they’d been back, they’d both been insatiable, and they hadn’t come down until almost noon.
    “We thought we’d have an open house during the day for the villagers, since they haven’t seen you in so long. I kept giving them updates about your world tour and photoshopping you into different tourist spots.”
    Evie handed over her phone and Piper scrolled through a bunch of pictures of herself. “You told everyone I was on a world tour?”
    “Yes, and it was exhausting. I had to make a spreadsheet to make sure I kept things realistic. I mean I couldn’t have you in Cairo one day and San Francisco the next.”
    Piper paused on a shot of herself grinning cheekily in front of a windmill. She would have almost believed she was in Holland except she recognized the picture as having been a selfie she took in the grocery store one day to send to her mom. In the original, she’d been standing in front of a sign advertising haggis, with the butcher looking annoyed in the background. It was just one of dozens of pictures to prove to people that she was alive during the eight months she’d been gone. Evelyn had outdone herself.
    “Thank you,” Piper said, handing back the phone. “For all you did. And for believing I was alive all that time.”
    Evie shrugged. “I couldn’t have believed anything else.”
    Lachlan came in the back door, followed by a yapping sheepdog puppy. The dog was nipping at his heels and dodging back and forth in front of him, causing him to get a volcanic look on his face.
    “Yon wee dog has been plaguing me since I left,” he said, carefully making his way past it without stepping on its furiously wagging tail.
    “Do we have a dog, now?” Piper asked as the hyperactive ball of fur jumped up on her lap.
    Evie looked embarrassed and quickly snapped her fingers to get the dog to come to her. “He’s mine,” she explained. “His name’s Hoover. He can stay outside if you want him to.”
    Piper told her not to be silly, she was delighted to have a dog around the house. She fawned over him for a moment before looking up to see Lachlan staring down at her with a dark look on his face. He smiled at Evie, but the smile never reached his eyes.
    She could tell it was more than just mild annoyance at the dog. He’d found something out, and it wasn’t good.

Chapter 3

    For the first time in his entire life, he hated Scotland. How could it be eternally uphill? Shouldn’t they have to go downhill as well at some point? His horse seemed as unhappy as he was with the long trek over the muddy trails that might have been called roads by the people of this time, but Pietro refused to classify them as such. He didn’t recognize anything. He’d been this direction before, but it had been in a speeding car, probably with music blasting and other modern distractions.
    Quinn had let them stop in the wee hours, and if either of them had bothered to light a fire, he didn’t know about it. He’d pulled his bedroll around his throbbing head and been asleep in twenty seconds, regardless of the sticks and stones poking at his aching body from the freezing ground.
    He knew he had some illness, or his injuries were more severe than he thought. All he could do was keep moving until he fell off his horse and died. His head hurt so badly, that almost seemed preferable.
    Bella rode up next to him, the scant predawn light surrounding her angelic face like a halo. He weakly reached out to her, resting his hand on her sleeve before she snapped her reins and tossed her head. Her russet brown hair was loose and hanging wildly all around her shoulders. Quinn had given them approximately four minutes

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