Revenge (Book 3 of Lost Highlander series)
the hurt in his eyes. He had been an integral part of everything since the first day Lachlan had mysteriously appeared in her tower yelling in Gaelic, swinging an axe, and scaring them half to death. They should have called him.
    He shrugged. “It’s all right. There’s time to catch up later,” he said, taking Magnus out of his bassinet. “Hello, Mags.” He gently bounced the little bundle in front of his face and smiled at the sleepy infant.
    Piper saw Evie’s jaw tighten considerably and she figured it was because she didn’t think Magnus should be bounced around at such a young age. Dear lord, what should she do? Once again she glanced at Mellie, who just shook her head slightly. Stay out of it.
    “His nappy’s wet,” Sam said absently, laying the baby back down and reaching for his bag to get a diaper.
    Red alert! This was not good. Mellie’s eyes widened and she dropped the head of lettuce she was holding and took off for the pantry, the coward. Evie’s jaw tightened even further and Piper knew she was grinding her teeth to keep from snapping at him.
    While Piper heard a perfectly reasonable and non-judgemental observation come out of Sam’s mouth, she also knew that Evie heard something very different and very crazy, probably along the lines of  “Why in the hell do you never change him, you horrible, good for nothing whore.”
    She waited with baited breath, but Evie just sat there, quietly taking deep breaths and white knuckle gripping her tea cup. Piper was surprised the thing didn’t explode and rain shards of porcelain all over the room.
    “Okay. That’s that, my wee man,” Sam said, patting Magnus on his freshly diapered bottom. He smiled widely at Piper, then turned to Evie. His smile stayed in place, but he was definitely working on it. “I’ll bring him back after dinner.”
    “Thanks a lot for taking him,” Evie said in a falsely chipper voice as she leaned over to kiss the baby. “I really appreciate it.”
    “You don’t have to thank me, Evelyn. Jesus.” Sam slumped a little and rolled his eyes. “I’ll see you later.”
    Piper gaped at Evelyn, who assiduously refused to look up. “That was the worst thing I’ve ever seen,” she said when Sam was gone. “What happened with you two?”
    “Piper, come on,” Evie said tiredly.
    Mellie came back out of the pantry and started making dinner, trying to pretend she hadn’t been witness to a quiet, awkwardly polite war.
    “Why did you thank him?” Piper said after several moments of tense silence. She just couldn’t let it drop, even though she could see how badly it upset Evelyn.
    “I was being nice,” she said.
    “Are you kidding?” Piper was incredulous. “You are literally a master of gender studies! Your main thing was parental roles! He wasn’t doing you a favor, he was being the father of his kid.”
    Evie started to snivel. “I know. I was being super passive aggressive. I couldn’t stop myself after he made that crack about his nappy being wet, like I don’t take care of him right.”
    “Or maybe his nappy really was wet? I mean, babies pee constantly, right?”
    Mellie came over and plopped a pumpkin cheesecake on the table in front of them.
    “I was going to save this for dessert, but I think it’s needed more now.” She placed two plates, forks and a serving knife in front of them.
    Evie sliced herself a piece with lightning speed and only relaxed when her mouth was full.
    “Now, about your birthday party,” she said, looking expectantly at Piper.
    Piper stopped chewing and shook her head. “What about it?” she asked.
    They’d been in time travel limbo for her actual birthday. She didn’t know if she was really twenty-six, but according to the calendar she was. She shrugged, not wanting any fanfare, too worried about what Daria might be up to, and just wanting to get back to as close to normal as she could. But Evie looked so happy, and she was shuffling her papers around as if she’d already

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