Revenence (Novella): Dead Red

Read Revenence (Novella): Dead Red for Free Online

Book: Read Revenence (Novella): Dead Red for Free Online
Authors: M.E. Betts
Tags: Zombies
together, not as partners and certainly not as a couple.
         "Okay," Red said, "you don't want to talk.  That's fine."  He circled to her rear, cuffing her hands once again.  "I'll be back in a bit."
         Left alone once again, Daphne focused the entirety of her attention on her situation.  She wriggled inside the handcuffs, wondering if any amount of squeezing or scraping would free her of their grasp.  Although her hands were, like much of her body, quite small, her wrists were bulky in comparison, with thick, sinewy arms that steadily widened up to a point just below the elbow.  Despite her oddly shaped hands and wrists, however, the cuffs seemed fairly tight in their grip.  The firm, well-developed mound of muscle between her thumb and index finger protruded as she collapsed her hand in an attempt to squeeze through the left cuff.  She tried with the right hand, where the mound protruded even further.  She suspected that if she were to try to force either hand through, it would result in severe bleeding, or even worse--that her hand would get stuck and swell halfway through the process.
         She was still considering a way out of her predicament when Red returned, followed by another man whose dark hair was streaked with gray.  He winked at Daphne as he followed Red into the room.
         "So, Ms. Scarlet," Red said, "do you party at all?"
         Daphne glared at him, fearful of where the topic was headed.  She didn't mean for her expression to be so transparent, as she was loathe to give Red emotional fodder with which to manipulate her.  Still, she was fairly certain that when Red said 'party', he meant taking drugs, and she struggled to keep the lack of enthusiasm from showing on her face.  Suddenly, she realized that of all the things Red could force on her--including death--being in an altered, uncontrollable state of mind was the most frightening prospect she could imagine.
         "By the look on your face," Red said, "I take it that's a no.  That's a shame.  Everyone should have the chance to indulge every now and then, partake in some adult recreational activities.  My friend here can help you out with that."  He motioned to the older man beside him.
         "Hey there, Scarlet," he said.  "I'm Logan, and you and me are gonna have a real good time together."  He patted a backpack slung over his shoulder.  Daphne shuddered internally, unable to even imagine what sorts of things the bag could contain.  Her eyes widened as Logan produced from the pack a hypodermic needle and several small vials of liquid.
         "No, no," she said, her tone frantic and hurried.  Although some part of her mind tried to maintain order, it was too late.  She had become fully panicked, and her words and actions were now beyond her rational control.  She tried to scurry backward, tipping her chair and landing on top of it.  In the next instant, Red was on top of her, scooping her up and bundling her tightly in his arms with her knees drawn up to her chest.  She pushed with all of her strength, attempting to breach his heavy-duty grip.  He cinched his arms even more tightly, and she found that she was unable to move at all.
         Logan moved in after a moment toward her exposed inner arm, piercing the freckled flesh with the needle.  Daphne was frozen, stunned.  She knew that she was in for a ride, and that she had no idea of what to expect.  She had no idea what was beginning to course through her bloodstream.
         "Once this hits you, sweetheart," he told Daphne, "it'll make you much more willing to try some of the other goodies I got in my bag.  Once this hits you--"  He grinned, looking her in the eye as he continued, "you'll eat up whatever I give you."
         "Let me be clear," Red said, turning toward the other man and flexing as he towered over him, "I don't want her to be hurt."
         "Hey, relax," Logan said.  "I know what I'm doing.  She's in good

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