survived and emerged from their units were still processing the events that just occurred.
In a way, everyone was still processing one thing or another.
How could they make an educated guess when their minds were all over the place?
Nora did try talking to the president once more. Again, he declined to speak, saying he didn’t remember anything and asked her to stop calling him the president.
“If indeed I am the president,” he said. “Then I am ashamed because if I am not a prisoner here, and if this was a government plan, then I am being protected from something.”
Nora didn’t even think of that.
Before retreating back to her room, she spoke with the three new people.
The one woman, Amy was around the same age as Nora, an African American woman who was strikingly beautiful and showed no signs of being worn out from the process. She wrung her hands a lot and was bitter because she couldn’t remember anything.
Meredith was in her forties, maybe fifties, it was hard to tell. She had a healthy build and a line free face, but her hair was prematurely gray. Totally gray. Nora didn’t know if that was the process. She wore glasses, because like John, they were on the desk. Meredith presented herself uppity and spoke educated, even though she claimed to remember very little.
The final newcomer was Grant. He was more than likely in his late twenties, handsome and slender with blonde hair that fell right into place.
“I play the piano,” he said. “I know that, because that’s the last thing I remember.”
A piano. An explosion. New York.
Nora hoped the next day, things would be clearer. They planned to meet after they all woke up and had something to eat.
John wasn’t resting, he told Nora that. He set his sights on the storage room and what was in there. He found a box of watches. Wrist watches with a compass. An odd find. He handed them out and guessed the time of day.
Last she heard Malcolm went to the computer room. He remembered he knew about them.
A light knock on her door drew her attention from her thoughts and that key. “Come in.”
The door slid open and Jason peeked inside. “Hey, I’m not bothering you, am I?”
“No. Not at all. Come in.”
He shut the door. “Are you sick?”
“No. Why?’
“You kind of just disappeared.”
“I was done for the day.”
Jason reached for a chair and paused. “May I?”
He pulled it up then set a bottle on the nightstand. “John found wine. I’m gonna have a glass to relax me. You?”
“That sounds wonderful thank you.”
Jason poured. “We may need it to rest. We don’t know how long we’ve been asleep.”
“Long enough to give birth.”
He hesitated before handing her the glass. “Maybe she was close to her due date when they put her in there.”
“I don’t know.” Nora accepted the glass and sipped it with a gasp of enjoyment. “Thank you.”
“Hey …” He reached forward. “You found the locker key.”
“I did. Top drawer. I’m in no hurry to check the locker. I figured I’d do it tomorrow.”
“I’ll look in my drawer.”
She placed the key on the nightstand. “Clock still ticking out there?”
“Yep.” Jason said. “I just hope it isn’t counting down to an explosion.”
“Nah, I think it’s counting down to the door opening.”
“That’s so odd. Why are we in here for a time period?”
Nora shook her head. “Maybe we’re on a spaceship and were abducted by aliens.”
Jason laughed. “Really? Where did that come from?”
“I don’t know. I don’t have my own thoughts. I’m so foggy still, like … John said New York and Bam. I knew I was in New York for something. What? I don’t know.”
“An event.” Jason said almost with revelation. “An event.” His eyes widened. “I don’t know what kind. But it was big. Holy crap.” He ran his hands through his hair. “The phone call. It was asking me if I would do the honors of doing the benediction at
James Rollins, Grant Blackwood
Neta Jackson, Dave Jackson