heard a footstep outside the den door. She pretended to be asleep as the door was opened and shut quietly. It was locked as well as she heard someone fumble with it. She instinctively knew who it was without a word being said, she couldn’t truthfully say she had expected her but wasn’t surprised at her visitor. Miranda began to touch her along her neck knowing her pressure points and touching them. Her lips followed and Karin enjoyed the sensation for a while, when Miranda reached for her breast though Karin grabbed her hand and held it as she opened her eyes. The fish tank lights were still on and Miranda could see her expression.
“No” Karin breathed quietly.
“Why not?” Miranda asked equally quiet.
“Because you are married for one, for another this was over ten years ago” Karin told her practically.
“What’s the big deal, we’re both adults” Miranda tried to reason with her.
Karin sat up and released Miranda’s hand. “It’s not a big deal but I won’t be your comfort fuck whenever you have problems.”
Miranda was surprised at the language knowing Karin didn’t speak like that and certainly didn’t use the f word. She sat in the other recliner and put her hands up to her face “I’m sorry.”
Karin watched her to see if this was genuine or part of an act. Certain it was genuine she reached over and patted Miranda on the shoulder and rubbed it. “Look, we’ve known each other a long time. It took me a long time to move on from your decision but I haven’t been waiting for you to appear on my doorstep, I’ve moved on too.”
“You said you didn’t really have anyone in your life...” Miranda began.
“Just because I don’t have someone special in my life doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy people. I don’t want or need a commitment at this point in my life. I do what I want when I want. I don’t need someone to be answerable to. Some people wouldn’t understand me being able to have several friends that I enjoy physically but others may think I’m playing the field, I’m not. I’m not a slut either who sleeps with anyone. I enjoy people and take what pleasure I can when it suits me. I’m hurting no one and I certainly am not going to hurt Jeff again however indirectly, even if he would never know.” She paused for a moment “you never told him about us did you?” she asked her friend astutely.
Miranda looked at her with tears in her eyes and shook her head.
“Don’t you think that says something? I watched you for a lot of years; you’ve told me absolutely everything about your past. I know you, or rather I did. You need the comfort of having someone in your life, always. I don’t. I’m okay alone. I like me. I don’t want you running to be with me unless you really want me, not what I represent, not someone for the sake of having someone. I moved on Miranda. You cut me off after those few times when you and Jeff first got together. I’ve come to grips with that. You apparently haven’t. I’ll always be your friend but you’ve got to be a friend, and sleeping with you would only complicate things.” She looked at Miranda sadly to see if she understood what she was saying to her. She leaned towards Miranda to emphasize what she was going to say “don’t you think that those few times we were together again after you and Jeff were a couple says something as well? I firmly believe the only reason you cut me off was so that you wouldn’t be tempted, that I wouldn’t seduce you or something. That you couldn’t resist?” she grinned as she added “after all, I am so irresistible” they shared a