foolish. Army very disciplined. Army follows orders. I know this.”
    Nicky stared at him, her clear, intelligent eyes riveted on his face.
    “You should leave the square. Now. While it’s still possible, still safe.”
    “That wise, yes,” Yoyo agreed. “But not everyone go, Nicky. Hard get everyone go. Blood tonight.”
    Nicky shivered and looked pointedly at Clee.
    “What about Chai Ling and some of the other leaders?” Clee asked.
    “Can’t they get the students to leave?”
    Yoyo shrugged. “Don’t know.”
    “Where are they?” Clee asked.
    “Don’t see tonight. You like water? Soda?”
    “No, thanks,” Clee answered.
    Nicky shook her head.
    The young Chinese looked thoughtful, then he remarked, “Movement lost spirit after martial law declared. Students very depressed.
    True, they should leave. They won’t. End will be bad thing.”
    “Come with us,” Nicky said urgently. “Come with us to the Martyrs’ Monument. Find one of the bullhorns you’ve been using, and relay a message to the students. They’ll listen to you, you’re one of their leaders. Ask them to leave, beg them, if necessary. And you must leave with them. If you and the other students get out of Tiananmen while there’s still time, you’ll save your lives. Please, Yoyo, do this. It will be an act of bravery if you lead the students away from the square. It will be aood thing to do.”
    She reached out impulsively, took hold of his arm. “Please, Yoyo, don’t stay here. You could be killed.”
    Her words appeared to reach him. “I come monument. Soon. Bring Mai, my girlfriend. Go, Nicky. I come soon. I promise.”
    “We’ll be waiting for you, but don’t be too long, Yoyo. There’s not much time left.”
    When Nicky and Clee got back to the Martyrs’ Monument, they found Luke waiting for them, and Nicky told him what had happened with Yoyo. She repeated what the student leader had said about the troops coming that night or in the early hours of the morning.
    “Oh Jesus!” Luke exclaimed. “If that happens, those kids don’t stand a chance.”
    “Actually they’re sitting ducks,” Nicky pointed out. “They’re centered in a relatively small area, in relation to the overall size of the square, which is three-quarters empty right now. If the army comes in from the other side, it’ll have a clear run straight across the square.”
    “That’s right,” Luke muttered.
    “Let’s hope Yoyo can persuade the students to leave before that happens,” Clee said.
    Nicky was silent, her expression anxious. Then she brightened.
    “Here he is now, thank goodness. Perhaps we can get him up on the monument with a bullhorn. He can at least warn the kids.”
    Yoyo and Mai joined them. They were holding hands, and Yoyo said, “This my friend, Mai. Her English not very excellent!”
    “No need to apologize,” Nicky replied warmly. As she looked at Mai she was startled—when she had seen the girl a little earlier, she had not realized how lovely Mai was. Her features were beautiful, her black, almond-shaped eyes enormous in her sweet and innocent young face. She had long glossy black hair, was small and slender, and everything about her was delicate.
    Nicky thought she was like an enchanting little doll.
    Thrusting out her hand, Nicky said with a wide smile, “I’m so pleased to know you, Mai.”
    The girl smiled back shyly, showing perfect white teeth. Nicky was surprised at the firmness of her hold, as she softly said, “Hi.”
    Mai shook hands with Clee and Luke, who also obviously appreciated the girl’s loveliness.
    To Yoyo, Nicky said, “Did you find a bullhorn?”
    “Not necessary. I don’t speak. Chai Ling speak. Later.”
    “You’ve seen her?” Nicky asked, her voice suddenly sharp.
    “Yes, near goddess. Chai Ling will take bullhorn, tell students to go home. She promise.”
    “Let’s hope she keeps that promise,” Clee murmured. “In the meantime, let’s sit down.”
    The five of them found places

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