one single Confederate Army statue to?
While much about Albert Pike is in dispute, including his affiliation with the KKK or what office he held, everyone is sure of one thing.
He was an…(grrrrrr)…author.
Pike wrote the book MORALS AND DOGMA OF THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE OF FREEMASONRY. This book was presented to all new Scottish Rite initiates from the early 1900’s to the late 1960’s.
The book itself describes the various degrees of the Scottish Rite in a series of essays. It’s full of parables, and not nearly as inflammatory as the other things Pike wrote, such as editorials and letters spelling out his racist beliefs.
Personally, I’m not fan of Albert Pike.
I wish they’d take his damn statue down, not only to rip a fang out of the conspiracy theory people’s maws, but because it is simply undeserved. The guy was a bum.
Of course, taking down the statue won’t satisfy the fruitcakes, now will it? They’re too busy sniffing out Pike’s alleged connections to the Illuminati.
The story goes like this: Albert Pike was a friend of an Italian revolutionary named Giusseppe Mazzini. Mazzini was a 33 rd Degree Scottish Rite Mason who took over the Illuminati in 1834 and then founded the mafia.
Pike reportedly wrote a letter to Mazzini that spelled out his entire plan for the Illuminati to institute a New World Order. They were going to instigate three world wars and two revolutions.
After Mazzini died, Albert Pike instilled a new leader of the Illuminati and then proceeded to set up new Supreme Councils around the world.
Sounds pretty good right? Hot stuff indeed.
It’s all made up.
There is no proof that any letter was ever written between Albert Pike and Giusseppe Mazzini. For as much as the whackos like to say “The letter was once displayed at the British Museum,” they just can’t seem to find the date or any actual reference to the letter by the Museum itself. The Museum has come out and said that they never displayed the letter.
Even though the letter has never been seen, read, or reproduced, nutjobs still somehow manage to have quotes from it. And not just any quotes. The ones that illustrate the plans for each sinister World War and how the Zionists and Islamists and Illuminati and blah blah blah blah are all going to come together to finally instill a NEW WORLD ORDER.
If I never read the words Zionist, New World Order, Illuminati, or pentagram again, it will be too soon.
Anyway, that’s Albert Pike.
Chapter 9: And With All That Said, Something IS Rotten in Denmark
I think one of the reasons the prejudices against Freemasonry exist is that people do suspect that something is fundamentally wrong with the systems that control our lives.
Me too.
I just don’t happen to think it’s got anything to do with the group of old guys in my Masonic Lodge who can’t organize more than a spaghetti dinner once a month. I also don’t think it’s got to do with Illuminati, alien invasions, Reptilians, or Zionists.
I think those are the fantastical dreams of simplistic minds, the kind that can conceive of a problem, but have no ability to grasp its actual cause. Kind of like physicians in ancient times who realized people were getting sick and decided that cutting them open to get rid of the “bad blood” was the perfect solution.
Primitive cultures who looked at an active volcano and said, “If that volcano goes up, we’re all going to be wiped out. It must be an angry volcano god. I know, we’ll chuck a virgin into it to make him happy.”
Confronting a simpleton can be a tricky proposition. Especially when you present them with undeniable facts that challenge something they believe whole-heartedly.
Many years ago, I was working with an older gentleman who promptly informed me that George Washington was not the first President of