Red Army

Read Red Army for Free Online

Book: Read Red Army for Free Online
Authors: Ralph Peters
Tags: alternate history
established on the Weser line. The Second Guards Tank Army has two secondary missions. Its initial exploitation of the corps boundary is to be followed by a southerly turning movement into the tactical, then into the operational rear of the German Corps. The army also conducts a supporting attack, from the initiation of hostilities, against the frontage of the German Corps, with the objective of fixing the Germans as far forward as possible, facilitating their subsequent envelopment and encirclement. Upon the commitment of the army’s second echelon, those first-echelon units not occupied in guaranteeing the flank of the breakthrough against German counterattacks and not involved in the closing of the ring behind the Germans will contain residual Dutch elements northwest of a line drawn here, from the north of Bremen to Buxtehude.”
    Chibisov paused for breath, disguising the break as an opportunity for the audience to ask questions. But all of this had been covered before, in much greater detail, and Trimenko and those supporting him knew the plan thoroughly.
    “In the south,” Chibisov continued, saving the central breakthrough operation for last, “the Twentieth Guards Army attacks in the Duderstadt -- Paderborn -- Dortmund operational direction, with the mission of developing a rapid penetration in the Belgian sector, thereby creating an early crisis in the vicinity of the enemy’s army group boundary. In this instance, as in the example of the Second Guards Tank Army in the north, it is our expectation that early penetrations on its flanks will force the enemy’s Northern Army Group -- NORTHAG -- to commit its available reserves early and in a piecemeal fashion as it attempts to stabilize both of its flanks. Finally, upon receipt of the appropriate order, the Twentieth Guards Army is prepared to execute a turning movement to unhinge the British defense just to the north, should that prove necessary.”
    Chibisov breathed deeply, poisoning his lungs. “In the center, ultimately making the front’s main attack, the Third Shock Army, reinforced with one East German division to a strength of five divisions, attacks in the Hannover -- Osnabrueck -- Venlo operational direction. Initially, the Third Shock Army’s offensive is phased slightly behind those of the flanking armies, allowing NORTH AG to identify the threat to its flanks and commit its reserves, thus robbing the center of any depth. The initial structure of radio electronic combat operations will allow the enemy to maintain the necessary communications to identify the threat to his flanks and to initiate movement of his reserves. To that end, we will initially attack the enemy’s air-ground and fire-support communications, but as soon as we have confirmation of the movement of the enemy’s reserves to commitment, we will redirect the full weight of our radio electronic combat effort against NORTHAG’s command and control and intelligence links.”
    As Chibisov spoke Malinsky watched Starukhin, the Third Shock Army’s commander. Starukhin was always restless, looking for a fight or for a superior’s attention. Now he sat fitfully, obviously swollen with energy and nerves, rubbing at his stubbly chin and blotched nose. Malinsky knew it was only a matter of time until Starukhin opened his mouth again. Malinsky could not help feeling a personal distaste toward Starukhin, even as he valued the man’s unrivaled ability to smash his way through problems.
    Starukhin managed to rein himself in a bit longer, and Chibisov continued smoothly, a perfect staff officer, choosing each word exactly without losing the rhythm of his speech. “In support of the front’s plan, the Third Shock Army initially structures its attack to give the appearance that all four of its organic divisions have been committed, while actually holding the bulk of the Seventh and Tenth Tank divisions and all of the attached East German division as a ready second echelon. The commitment of

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