Rebirth (Rogues Shifter Series)

Read Rebirth (Rogues Shifter Series) for Free Online

Book: Read Rebirth (Rogues Shifter Series) for Free Online
Authors: Gayle Parness
would've been forced to go around scrubbing memories.”
    “You can do that?”
    “Not me, but my associate can.”
    I saw Ethan scowl. “Garrett, he’s a vampire.”
    “Are you saying that the one who watched me when I was younger was a vampire?” Rob nodded. Okay, that was kind of creepy . I stared at my hands twisted together in my lap. “How is it that every scar I ever had has disappeared?”
    “Shifters have an amazing ability to heal. I’m fairly sure your older scars went away because of the strength of this particular serum. I hope you weren’t too attached to them,” He tried to sou nd lighthearted, but I could tell by his expression that he was worried.
    “No, Rob. I wasn't.” My sharp tone jarred them into silence. I'd never be dredging up that experience again, having buried in hell where it belonged. I walked to the window and looked out at the dreary day. This part of the country was prone to a lot of rain and fog, which matched my current mood just fine.
    Rob spoke. “Look, I don’t want you to go through what a lot of other rogue shifters have experienced. Ethan can tell you that shifting isn't so bad. In fact changing into your animal form can be liberating.”
    “What's a r ogue shifter?” I asked.
    “A rogue is a shifter who doesn’t grow up with a family of shifters: one who doesn’t expect the change and has no suppo rt system in place.” I caught a quick wince, maybe from a remembered experience of his own, before he continued, “I’ll be giving you another dose of the meds tomorrow. Today we need to do some preliminary blood tests and physical agility tests.“
    That was so not happening. “You can test my blood and my physical abilities, but you’re not giving me another dose of that crap.” I walked outside, fuming, giving in to the familiar tightness that usually had me running as fast as I could. I’m getting out of here. I’ll swim if I have to, or float on a tree branch until some boat comes along.
    I yanked on the bottom of my tee shirt and twisted it to tie it into a knot. I tried to roll up my sweatpants, preferring to run in shorts, but the legs kept falling down. In frustration I ripped a jagged 4 inches off the bottoms. The morning was getting warmer and I could feel sweat start to bead at my hairline. I leaned down to tighten the laces on my sneakers which had been left outside my bedroom door.
    “There’s nowhere to go. “ Ethan had followed me out and watched me adjust my clothes with an amused expression.
    I stretched out my hamstrings , calves and quads the way I always did before a run; “Says the guy who tried to escape the other night.”
    “You don’t want to end up chained to a bed, believe me. It’s really boring.” He watched me stretch for a few moments longer. “On second thought I could come and visit you. I’m sure we could think of something fun to do.” His impish smiled annoyed me enough to throw a small rock at him, which he dodged easily. Too bad his reflexes were so good.
    “I'm going for a run, so tell the big bad leopard to chill. I’m not trying to get away; it’s just what I do for tension, although if I really wanted to get off the island, I could.“ I narrowed my eyes in challenge, but Ethan wisely chose not to argue.
    Rob yelled from inside the cabin. “You two will be back here in an hour. Stay on the trails.” Not a question, just a statement.
    “Whatever. ”
    I took off at an even pace , moving along a forest trail with Ethan loping next to me.
    “You’re nuts if y ou think you can keep up.“ I taunted.
    “You’re crazy if you think I can ’t.” He grinned and winked. I kicked into first gear and sprinted off. Ethan did his best for a while, but was tiring quickly. His muscular body was designed for strength, not speed, and although I’m sure that he ran for exercise, he was totally outclassed. 
    It had started to rain steadily and the path was softening. Ethan disappeared for a minute or two, only to

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