Rebel Stars 1: Outlaw
    Captains. There was no understanding them. He thought it would be smooth to be one some day—to set your own rules and your own course, going and doing as you pleased, the master of a portable nation of you and your crew—but even in his drunkest dreams, he knew he wasn't the type who would ever own a ship.
    Ships cost millions. He couldn't afford a house . And if he couldn't come up with a way to pay it off soon, he wouldn't be around to be dreaming for much longer.
    Jons came to see him later that day to see what had happened and to do some mutual griping about Gomes. Other than that, Webber was left to himself. He didn't even see the captain, though he was sure she was monitoring the Fourth .
    He supposed it was a win that he wasn't out spending money he shouldn't be spending. But if it was a win, it was a real Battle of San Pedro. In exchange for his enforced financial responsibility, he was compelled to spend all day thinking about his prior irresponsibility. To visit his account, visualize his debt, and contemplate the gigantic gulf between the two.
    He spent a lot of his time drinking. He liked to think he wasn't doing so alone, though. That, despite his sentence of isolation, he was joining the crew in spirit. What could be more noble than that?
    Five days into his term, with three days to go until they shipped out, thumps emanated throughout the ship. When he went to investigate, he found longshoremen loading the lower bays with cargo and securing it tight against the upcoming journey down the Lane. As usual, they were more interested in insulting him than answering questions.
    The afternoon before departure, he heard voices in the common area. Webber wandered from his room, drink in hand, and found the crew draped over the couches, looking worn-out but relaxed.
    "What's up?" he said. "Don't tell me we're leaving early."
    Lara laughed. "Gomes called a meeting. Must have figured there was no sense telling the monkey when she can just knock on his cage."
    "Hilarious." He sipped his drink. "Let me guess, you've been out there curing hunger."
    "Nah. Just loving life."
    Webber found an unoccupied couch and installed himself in it. On a lounge chair, Vincent curled on his side and snored. Jons started telling Webber about a sholo singer down on Midnight-2. Webber didn't want to care, but it sounded amazing.
    Ten minutes later, iron-soled boots thumped belowdecks and ascended the ramp. Gomes showed up first. She was followed by the blue-suited bald man and the woman Webber had taken down with his homemade taser.
    "Whoa!" Webber bolted to his feet. "Captain, those are—"
    "Webber!" She snapped her fingers and pointed at him like he was a misbehaving terrier. "What did I tell you about shutting up?"
    The woman smirked at him. The bald man stared, arms folded. He was wearing sleeves, but his biceps filled them out to where Webber suspected he worked out in double gravity. Webber frowned and sat down.
    "I'll get right to it." Gomes walked in front of the two strangers. "This is MacAdams," she gestured to the man. "And this is Tzavioto."
    "Call me Taz," the woman said.
    Gomes stared straight at Webber. "These are the new members of your crew."
    A moment of silence enfolded the room. The others glanced sidelong at Webber and Jons.
    Jons clasped his hands behind his neck and arched his back. "Just curious, but what exactly are they here to do? I thought you were strapped."
    "That's right," Gomes said levelly. "That's exactly why they're here. This next delivery, I can't afford for anything to go wrong. Taz is here for logistics—that means she's working with you, Vincent. Got me? With you."
    As quartermaster, Vincent did his best not to look insulted. "Gotcha."
    "As for MacAdams, he's on electrical. That means he'll be poking around the ship. Maybe even opening parts of it up. All you need to know is to stay out of his way."
    Jons raised his hand. "While we're doing what, exactly?"
    "Delivery to

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