Randolph Lalonde - Spinward Fringe Broadcast 08 - Renegades
Ayan was caught looking at her extensive notes on the Victory Machine
and her encounter. “You have to understand, when I came away from
that experience it was as real as you and I sitting here, and I
wouldn’t have followed its instructions if I knew it would land us
here. What’s worse, I wouldn’t have ended up with Liam at all if
I just stayed the course and stayed with Jake. But-“
    Lacey finished the
explanation of Ayan’s first night with Liam, she’d heard it
enough to have it memorized. “He was the most trustworthy person
left in your life then, and you needed to feel alive and cared for.”
Lacey didn’t state it sardonically, but surprised Ayan when she
added her own opinion. “Bully for him, being at the catcher’s
post at the right time. Old letch should have put you off just the
same. Figure someone of morally high training could have kept his
robes on.”
    “I’m just as much
to blame,” Ayan said. “Takes two.”
    “You were reeling in
grief, two important people snatched away in just a few days. Even I
know you wouldn’t be yourself. Wish I was there instead of him
then, I’d know well enough to put you to bed and cuddle you off
instead of getting into your pants at the first opening. I just can’t
believe how it ended, him fighting to keep you on his arm after both
of you drifted apart for a couple of months. He had to know it all
started wrong, I know that’s how you felt.”
    “You were there when
the real grief struck,” Ayan reassured Lacey. “When I didn’t
expect it, and you wouldn’t leave, not even when I told you to.”
    “We’re on equal
ground, little dove. When my brother was found, you were my pillar
even though it would have been fine for you to go on like I were just
a serving bot. You could have just left me in my place to feel the
loss on my own time.”
    “Couldn’t do that.
You know you’re more than my aide.” It was true; Lacey quickly
became the older sister she never knew she needed. “I don’t know
what these last months would be like without you.” Ayan took
Lacey’s slender hand and squeezed it. For a moment they shared a
quiet time of acknowledgement and affection. “As for the mess with
Jake, you know the whole story now.”
    “Thank you. I was
sorry for asking, I know you want to move on, but-“
    “Your curiosity was
begging,” Ayan said. “I understand.”
    “Well, I’m glad
your time with Liam is sorted, now he’s just a face at the other
end of the Council table, and you can move on.” Lacey said. “Or move back to Jake?” she
asked with a wink. “I know you’re abreast of all the Warlord’s
doings – well, whatever crumbs of data they leave for the public
and what you can get from Triton Fleet.”
    “There’s a long
distance to cross if that were to happen. I hurt him, I know I did,
and if I didn’t, Minh made sure I knew it. Aside from all that,
sometimes I’m amazed at what you catch me doing. You’re not
hacked into my comms, are you?” Ayan asked.
    “I wouldn’t know
how to, and a good aide shouldn’t have to. I know everything about
you, dear. How else am I supposed to know what you need before you
    “Speaking of which,”
Ayan said, “have you heard anything that could tell you what this
is about?”
    “No, and neither has
Victor. No one else replied when I asked what was going on. They know
you have a tight schedule. If this is more bureaucratic haggling, I’m
going to start stunning people.”
    It took a while for
Ayan to get used to Lacey’s humour, but once she did, it never
failed to amuse. She could be the picture of professional decorum,
but every once in a while her temper got the best of her, and she’d
let loose with threats and sabre rattling that was only a good way
for her to quickly blow off steam before she had to face people
again. It was often just what Ayan needed to start smiling again.

Chapter 4
    Haven Shore
    Alice’s report to the
Haven Shore Strategic Centre was

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