spirit was still strong, but it definitely went into self-preservation mode when his parent’s marriage broke up.
“Why do you wish on a full moon instead of a star?” John asked.
“Well, most nights when the sky is clear it is full of stars, but full moons occur approximately every twenty-eight days which makes them rarer and more special. I fervently regarded my meeting with that boy as a part of my fate or destiny and I continually felt like we shared a special connection, at least that’s how I always thought of it. Many times as I was growing up, if I ever felt lonely or if I was distressed about something, I would close my eyes and I could remember what it felt like when he held my hand for those few brief moments. And that visualization would provide comfort to me and sometimes even clarity at times when little else did.” Randa continued, “The other reason for wishing upon a full moon is the rock that the boy gave me. My mother told me that it was a moon rock, though I have since found out that it isn’t. She was just trying to appease me since I was relentless about finding out what it was. I could do some research on the internet and find out its identity, but I haven’t. I just choose to let it remain a mystery like everything else about that encounter.”
“Oh,” came John’s reply as he caught himself lost in thought, having missed all of what Randa had just said. “You seem so impassioned about certain things Randa. Things which are priceless seem to mean the most to you.”
“Gosh John, my passions are what make my world go around. As truly blessed as I have been with the phenomenal success of my songwriting career, it will never surpass the endearing things which can’t be bought, such as those moments of my life that I treasure in my soul and I will remember until my last dying breath. Most of those moments are filled with pure love. When is the last time you have tried to buy love?” Randa laughed as she asked.
“Never,” John laughed also, knowing that this lady might someday actually hold the key to his hungry heart.
They went back into the house and John made sure that Randa was set for the night with everything that she would need.
“Goodnight Randa.”
Randa stepped forward and gave him an affectionate hug squeezing him tight. John held her for a moment enjoying her tenderness.
“Goodnight John. Thank you for everything.”
John watched in ardent admiration as she walked away. Grinning, he went into the bathroom and after getting undressed, he stepped into his usual hot shower and quickly decided that a cool one would be much more appropriate. As the water ran over his taut chest and down his firm body, he laughed aloud at the carefree warmth inside his heart. After toweling himself off and sliding between the covers in his bed, he closed his eyes to let himself think about Randa with no distractions. It had been a long day and he had another one in front of him. Before he could focus all of his thoughts on her, he slipped into an uncontrollable sleepiness and it led him to a memory from long ago. The little girl appeared before him holding out her small soft hand. Her heavenly face and luminous eyes once again drew him to her. Just as she took his hand into hers, he awoke with a start. Initially, he was confused about where he was. Looking around the room, it took a few moments for his eyes to adjust to the dim light streaming through the blinds from the glowing moon. Spending so much time on the North Slope left John little time on the ranch much less in his boyhood bedroom. He sat up and turned on the bedside lamp. Opening the top drawer of his nightstand, it only took him a split second to find what he was looking for. He pulled it out and opened his hand to reveal one-half of the Thunder Egg. It was still just as perfect and captivating as when he last held it. Looking closely at it now, there seemed to be something he was missing, but he could not think of it. Giving