Quick, Amanda

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Book: Read Quick, Amanda for Free Online
Authors: Surrender
confess I wonder if she isn't right in her thinking. What good is marriage for
    a woman?"

    " Damme, Bella," her brother broke in sharply." What a mutton-headed thing to say. Don't go taking any
    foolish notions into your brain about following Miss Huntington's example in life. Mama would have
    hysterics. To be perfectly trutheul, as charming asVictoria is, if her aunt wasn't such a good friend of
    Mama's, I should think twice about allowing you to go about with her. Only look at the situation I am in
    tonight because of that woman's influence on you. The sooner you are married, the better. Thank God,
    Barton has almost come up to scratch."

    Annabella smiled demurely in the darkness." I know you cannot wait to rid yourself of the responsibility
    of supervising my behavior, but I fear you must contain your enthusiasm for a while longer, Bertie. Upon
    due reflection I have decided to have you refuse Lord Barton's offer, if and when it comes."

    "Upon due reflection probably means you discussed the matter with Miss Huntington," Lyndwood said

    "I do recall a conversation on the subject," Annabella said." She was kind enough to give me her opinion
    as to the sort of husband Lord Barton would make."

    Lucas broke in on the fraternal wrangling, his interest sharpened by Annabella's last remark." How was
    Miss Huntington able to form an opinion about Barton?"

    "Oh, I believe he pursued her quite industriously for several months last year. During that time she had an
    opportunity to learn a great deal about him."

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    "Did she?" Lucas was aware of the chill in his own words." Just what did she learn?"

    "A number of small items such as the fact that Barton has apparently fathered a babe or two on his
    mistress, that he has been known to get so deeply into his cups that he has had to be carried into his
    house by his coachman, and that he has a passion for gaming hells," Annabella answered.

    "Here now," Lyndwood muttered," can't hold a few insignificant peccadilloes against a man."

    "Really?" inquired a familiar, husky female voice from the open window of the carriage." Would Viscount
    Barton be equally prepared to overlook a similar list of insignificant peccadilloes in his prospective wife?"

    Lucas turned his head sharply toward the carriage window, aware that the mere sound of Victoria's
    voice had immediately reactivated the desire he had first experienced in Jessica Atherton's card room.

    He concealed his eagerness with the cold control he had learned years ago, prepared to greet his heiress
    with proper formality. But instead of a striking woman in an elegant gown and bonnet, he found himself
    staring at a figure dressed to the nines in men's clothes. Laughing eyes met his through the shadows,
    challenging him.

    "Good God," he said through his teeth, this is insanity."

    "No, my lord, this is amusing."

    Lucas recovered himself as he heard the groom start to clamber down from the driver's seat. He shoved
    open the door before the man could arrive to open it properly, and reached out and caught hold
    ofVictoria 's wrist before she realized his intent. He had been expecting a lady with a taste for some mild
    adventure, not this outrageous creature.

    "Get in here, you little baggage, before someone recognizes you."

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    His urgency broughtVictoria through the door far more quickly than she intended. She gasped as she
    landed heavily on the seat beside Lucas and grabbed her beaver trimmed hat to keep it in place. He saw
    she was clutching an expensive-looking inlaid walking stick in her hand.
    "Thank you, my lord," she said with heavy sarcasm.

    Lucas ignored her." Let's get out of here, Lyndwood. " Lyndwood obliged by tapping his stick against
    the roof of the carriage." To the park, if you please," he called out.
    Annabella smiled atVictoria as the carriage

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