Quick, Amanda

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Book: Read Quick, Amanda for Free Online
Authors: Surrender
possibility of bringing the dead back to life with electricity.
    Best of all, it was nearly midnight already. With any luck she would be awake most of the night, so there
    would be less time for the nerve-shattering dreams that increasingly invaded her nights as of late.

    She had come to fear those nightmares. A small shiver went through her even now as she pushed the
    memory of the last one to the farthest corner of her mind. She could still see the knife in his hand. No,
    there would be little opportunity for those nightmares to strike tonight. With any luck she would not be
    home before dawn. She could deal with the daylight hours. It was the darkness she had learned to fear.

    Victoriagazed out into the shadowed garden and wondered what Stonevale would think when he saw
    her dressed as a man.

    The cheerful anticipation of his stunned expression was enough to banish the small, tattered remnant of
    horror that still hovered at the edge of her mind. Lucas leaned forward on the carriage seat and scowled
    out into the shadows of the dark street. He was not in a good mood.

    "I don't care for this nonsense. Why are we not fetching Miss Huntington from her front steps?"
    "I've told you," Annabella Lyndwood protested." Her aunt is a very understanding person, butVictoria is
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    afraid that even she would have a few doubts about our plans for this evening."

    "I'm glad somebody besides myself has the sense to have doubts," Lucas growled. He turned toward the
    other man in the carriage." Lyndwood, I think we should have a few contingency arrangements made in
    case we become separated in the crowd this evening."

    "Excellent idea," Lyndwood agreed with alacrity. He was clearly relieved to have Lucas along." Perhaps
    we ought to arrange for the carriage to wait at a specific location somewhat removed from the activity?"

    Lucas nodded, thinking swiftly." It will be difficult to maneuver the carriage near the park. At this time of
    night the crowds will be large and unpredictable. Tell your coachman that if he does not find us waiting
    for him at the same place where he sets us down, he should drive two streets over from the grounds and
    wait there near a small tavern called the Hound's Tooth."

    Lyndwood nodded, his handsome, concerned features in deep shadow." I know the place and so does
    my coachman, I'll wager. Don't mind telling you again I appreciate your joining us tonight, Stonevale.
    When the ladies take a notion to have an adventure, ain't much a man can do to stop them, is there?"

    "That remains to be seen," Stonevale said.

    Annabella, dressed in a stylish blue walking dress with a matching blue pelisse, giggled." If you believe
    you can stopVictoria from doing anything she pleases, you have a surprise in store for you, my lord."

    "Miss Huntington gets up to these tricks frequently, I take it?"

    Annabella chuckled again."Victoria is never dull, I assure you, but this is a first for her, I believe. She
    told me she has been planning this for some time."

    "It would seem Miss Huntington has gone ungoverned by a husband for far too long," Lucas observed,
    and glowered at Annabella as the giggles turned into outright laughter." I have said something amusing?"

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    "Miss Huntington intends to go the entirety of her life without such governance," Annabella informed him.

    "I understand she fears being married for her fortune," Lucas said carefully. He wanted information but
    he did not want to raise too many questions about his motives.

    "She fears marriage altogether," Annabella replied, her laughter fading." She has seen nothing but very
    sad examples of the wedded state in her own family. And of course the business of being constantly
    pursued for her inheritance for so many years has only inclined her more than ever away from any desire
    for matrimony. Sometimes, I

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