“Of course, I was a lad.”
Dar struggled to regain her composure. “A lad?”
“Not all the goblins were run off in the wars,” said the man, obviously pleased to have an audience. “A few remained. They caught a bull goblin in our very woods.”
“What…what did they do to him?” asked Dar.
“What you always do with goblins—have a roasting.”
“They burned him?” asked Dar, her voice faint.
“Alive,” replied the man with a grin. “And, oh, what a stench it made!”
“Gunthar!” said Theena in a scolding tone. “Don’t talk of goblins to Dar! Look at her! She’s gone all white!”
“I thought the tale would please her,” replied Gunthar.
“Well, you thought wrong,” said Theena. “Dar has nightmares and she…” Theena paused and gave Dar a strange look. “…she sees things, too.”
“Well, if she sees a goblin, she needn’t worry,” said Gunthar. “We know what to do.”
The next day, Dar worked in a field that bordered the woods. Around midmorning, she thought she heard a low voice coming from the undergrowth. She worked her way toward it. The voice called again. “Dargu.”
Dar glanced about to insure that no one was observing her, then entered the woods. Kovok-mah rose from the undergrowth. “Dargu, ma nav fwili sa ther.” Dargu, I am pleased to see you.
Typically, Kovok-mah’s words fell short of expressing his feelings, but Dar appreciated the depths of his joy with one glance at his face. He gazed at her with such intensity that she felt momentarily overwhelmed. Still, she had the composure to reply. “Mer snaf.” I also.
“What happened to you?” asked Kovok-mah, continuing to speak in Orcish.
Dar replied in the same tongue. “I was caught.”
“Did washavokis punish you?”
“Thwa. They showed mercy because they wish me to work for them.”
“I’m glad you’re safe,” said Kovok mah. He paused a long moment. “What should I do, Dargu?”
“You can’t stay here. Washavokis are cruel to urkzimmuthi. I’ve seen terrible vision.”
“Hai, we must go.” Kovok-mah’s face grew sad, and he was silent a while. “Are you happy with washavokis?”
Dar realized that Kovok-mah was asking if she wished to remain behind and knew, if she said yes, he would disappear forever. I could live in peace and safety . Dar quickly dismissed the idea. I told Kovok-mah I’d get him home . “I’ve been treated well,” she said. “But this is no place for me.”
The sadness left Kovok-mah’s face. “Are you certain?”
“Hai. I’m different from them.”
“You’re also different from us.”
“Hai,” said Dar, “but I must follow my chest.”
“I’m glad you’ll guide us.”
Dar heard the sound of a distant bell, then someone was shouting her name. This is the wrong time to flee , she thought. I can’t go unprepared. “I have to go,” she said. “I’ll join you soon.”
“As soon as I can. Look for me each evening.” Then Dar dashed from the woods and ran over to the servant who had called her name. Before she could explain her absence, the woman pointed to a ragged man on the road. He bore a staff that jangled a bell each time it struck the ground. “A cursed one’s coming,”
“Cursed one?” said Dar.
“Someone with the rotting curse. Have you not heard of it? People lose fingers and toes, then hands and feet. Faces, too. The cursed are hideous.”
Dar could see that the man’s face and hands were wrapped in dirty bandages. “How horrible.”
“Run and get some food. Something from the slop pail will do. Leave it by the road so he’ll go away.”
“Just don’t get near him,” said Theena.
“Aye, make him keep his distance,” said a servant. “Throw rocks if you need to.”
“Mind you don’t kill him,” said another, “because then the curse will pass to you.”
“Now hurry,” said the first servant. “And come back here when you’re done.”
Dar ran off on her errand. She was glad