seasoned Guardian, Matt caught me mid-plummet. “Yo, Ami! Falling for me already?”
I snatched my backpack from where it had landed and ruffled his untidy brown hair. “Nice moves, my delusional friend. If only you were as quick at combat practice.”
“Blasphemy,” Matt said, a dramatic hand at his chest. “Are you implying I’m not the fastest, most skilled Watcher on the planet?”
“I would never imply that, Matthew.” I winked at him. “See you at lunch?”
“Maybe. Depends on Lisa.”
“Ah, right. She broke up with you again, didn’t she?”
He flopped back in his chair, lanky legs hooked at the ankles. “She also reserved a tuxedo for me with a cummerbund matched to her formal dress. I sense ambivalence.”
“Very perceptive.”
Matt’s grin widened as I pushed my way past him into the social fray of our class.
About halfway down the row, Veronica Manning, queen bee, sat with her entourage, obsessively fluffing her shoulder-length curls. Keller Eastman, the only Watcher in history ever to fail study hall, sopped up adoration from a row of misguided sophomores in the back. A few senior boys clustered in groups to trade stories of their summer conquests, Lyle included. I did my best to ignore their sidelong glances as I scooted across the aisle to where the other Channelers sat.
“Hey, you.” I nudged my friend Katie Shaw on the shoulder. “Where were you yesterday?”
She looked at me blankly for a moment, then something registered in her eyes. “We were supposed to go jogging, weren’t we?”
“I circled the park like twenty times!”
“Sorry, I got distracted.” Her stubby, nail-bitten fingers clutched the smudged true-crime update she’d printed off the Guardian database. “Half of these unsolved mysteries sound like Inferni attacks. It’s ridiculous. I mean, do they think we can’t tell the difference between a demon kill and a vampire attack? Ugh! Tell me again why we have to protect them.”
“Because it is written, K.” I winked and patted her head. “Anything with a soul, right?”
“Yeah, if you believe they have souls.” She grunted. “Look, don’t let me off the hook with the jogging thing again. I’m sick of being at the bottom of the fitness rankings. It’s humiliating.”
With a sigh, I slumped into the seat next to her and extracted a well-worn copy of last month’s Guardian Times magazine from my bag.
There was a reason Katie didn’t get invited along on Lisa’s and my little hunts. Much as I loved her, I had to admit that, when it came to battle, the girl lacked. Seriously. She’d been chasing the dream of physical fitness since the day she got her braces off. But no matter how hard she tried, “satisfactory” always seemed to loom a good ten pounds away. Ditto with combat skills. And weapons. And ward drawing… Okay, let’s just say, if I ever had to go up against a demon horde, I’d want Lisa by my side and Katie back home baking me a batch of après-kill cookies.
I’d barely made it past the Guardian monthly feature, Ten Ways to Romance Your Watcher , when I spotted Lisa hurrying down the aisle with a giant smirk on her face. It made me nervous.
“Hey, Lis,” I said carefully as she plopped down in the chair next to me. “What’s up?”
“What’s up? WHAT’S UP ?” she faux-whispered. “Skye told Kelsey, who ran into Taylor, who happened to mention to Shane that you got busted by Smalley for snogging Lyle outside homeroom this morning. And you’re asking me what’s up? Honestly, Ami, how could you not tell me ?”
I stared at her blankly, trying to figure out how to answer. For half a second, I toyed with the idea of letting her think Lyle and I had rekindled our (ick!) “romance.” With a Graymason on the scene, professors dying, field exams around the corner, and the commencement gala fast approaching, the last thing I needed was Lisa micromanaging my nonexistent love-life.
“I’m your best friend, right?” She