Project ELE
we should head over to register our room and get our clothes before dinner."
    I look down at my hideous hospital gown. Ever since leaving my mom and Sebastian back at the testing station, I've felt dazed, like this whole thing isn't reality. Everything feels so ethereal and perhaps at some moment I will just float up out of my body and realize that this has all been one horrific nightmare. My dad looks at me with concerned eyes and when I study how ridiculous he looks in his hospital gown, I understand that there is no way this could be a dream. No pinch will pull me out of this reality. "Yeah, well lets just hope that we don't have to wear puke green." I say to my dad. I see just the slightest twitch in his expression that on another day, with different circumstances would have turned into a smile.
    He pulls out his gown and does a slightly lethargic curtsy then says, "After you my dear."
    My dad is such an amazing father. I can see that whatever it might take from him, even if it's lying boldly to my face, he's going to be my rock in this situation. I can only imagine how crushed he is feeling right now. We take the elevator to the first floor. I grab my father's hand as we step out and walk down the long corridor towards the headquarters. He holds it so tight that I imagine nothing could separate us, ever. We are all we've got for now. If my dad is going to be a rock for me, then I sure as heck will be one for him.
    The Headquarters looks oddly like a mall. Several different shops, or stations are set up in a square that raises two stories high. At least ten shops advertising different types of services are located on each level. From my viewpoint I can see an administrative office that takes up three shop spaces, a pharmacy, a counselor office, a physical therapist office, a small convenience store and three different clothing stores. What I can see from the storefront windows is that the clothing stores all carry scrubs like the pale green ones, but in several different sizes and colors. I don't spot a single pair of jeans in there.
    I sigh and my dad squeezes my hand teasingly. We walk to the administrative offices and get in line behind the counter, which holds a large sign stating: Last Names M-O. In front of us in line there are three other families dressed in similar hospital gowns. I can't help but notice that the family directly in front of us seems happy and complete. And when I say complete, I mean there are four of the same family. A small spark of jealousy mixed with a large spark of envy fills my heart. I watch as a small toddler hugs tightly to her mom's leg. A tear escapes my eye and my dad lets go of my hand for a second to wipe it away and then silently takes my hand and squeezes it even tighter than before. He feels it too.
    The line passes quickly and when it's our turn a short red haired man waves us to the counter. "Last name?" he asks.
    "Mosby," my dad answers then hands him both of our passports.
    "Have you picked a room?"
    "Yes, room 442." Says my dad. He knew my affinity to even numbers so he made sure to pick a room accordingly.
    The man goes about typing at the speed of light onto his computer. A short minute passes then he says. "You will receive your schedules and work assignments tomorrow." He bends down and grabs something from beneath the counter. He pulls out two tablets and places them in front of us. "Please keep these tablets with you at all times. There is an orientation app on the front screen that will give you all of the information you need to know about your new life here." He presses the app on the screen of my tablet demonstrating how the touch screen works and then closes the app before the video loads. "If for any reason your tablet malfunctions, please bring it back here and we will get you a new one. Do you have any questions?"
    Both my father and I shake our heads.
    The man seems satisfied with our answer and hands the tablets to us. "You may now proceed to

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