Prince's Proposition (The Exiled Royals #3)

Read Prince's Proposition (The Exiled Royals #3) for Free Online

Book: Read Prince's Proposition (The Exiled Royals #3) for Free Online
Authors: Ivy Iverson
creep in. However, she was on her way to helping him work out a great agreement with Huang, and he was already working the crowd like a pro and making her donors feel special.
    Frankly, she couldn’t wait to see the magic that Xavier would wield at the masquerade ball. He might have an ego and be a workaholic, but like all of his cousins, the exiled prince could also pour on the charm. After all, hadn’t she fallen for it?
    After the guests were gone, Paula smiled gratefully up at her new, unlikely partner. Slipping her arm through his crooked elbow, she burrowed into his side as they headed out to the curb, where his private limo waited.
    Sometimes she could enjoy the perks, couldn’t she?
    She’d only had one drink that night---the Cosmopolitan. When she’d been shut away in the high-powered world of banking where so many deals happened after hours at bars or even in airport lounges, she’d always felt the pressure to be as much like “one of the guys” as possible.
    But, she’d seen the eyebrow raise from Xavier and knew that her current drink of choice had surprised him. So had the club sodas she’d had after it. She was sober as a judge, and Paula knew it.
    So why then did she feel so damn giddy slipping into the limo with Xavier?
    Usually, being crammed in such a tight space with him would leave her antsy. He’d made no secret of his still-thriving attraction for her. He’d been busy checking his smart phone and updates on the Asian markets on the way to Quake , but now he was undistracted.
    Maybe they were both riding on the high of a successful night with investors, of actually making some real strides for Lillian’s Fund . She’d felt elated after the 5k and how successful they’d been. Could that be it? Xavier seemed to be Lillian’s Fund’s lucky rabbit’s foot, and he was two-for-two in charming donors and drawing a crowd. For this, at least, she was eternally grateful.
    There was adrenaline and the traces of booze and, yes, familiar feelings of lust simmering between them. This time, she wasn’t pressed tightly against the limo’s right passenger door and he wasn’t staring absently at his phone.
    Hell, the exiled prince seemed to be working hard to undress her with those unearthly gold-flecked eyes. Crossing her legs tightly over each other, Paula took a deep breath.
    Steady there, girl , just because things feel like three years ago, doesn’t mean it is three years ago .
    “So,” she said, struggling to keep things on a more even keel. “You and Sylvia seemed to really click. That’s amazing. She’s been the best donor for Lillian’s Fund since the beginning. Her poor sister---”
    “I’m aware,” he said, his tone short.
    This helped even if it confused her. She could deal with the tough businessman, the one who evaluated everything with exacting precision. Whatever had flipped Xavier’s switch from ravenous lover to Wall Street wunderkind was appreciated. Frankly, with the tension thick between them, Paula didn’t even trust herself not to jump him, let alone Xavier to refrain from his usual flirting and invitations.
    “What did I do?”
    “If I’m going to be the star of a party with some of your biggest donors, I need to know who they are and what they’re worth, so I know how best to woo them for you. Yes, I know most of the investment bankers who were there, and the town council members, and I know a lot from helping Raymond with his own business endeavors. But Paula, you need to get on your game. I don’t understand what you’re doing here.”
    “What do you mean? I know we just rushed into this in the week. And I’ve been knee deep in both our accounting as well as your sets and sets of briefs so I can serve as the COO for you and your needs. Yes, I should have briefed you better, but I just ran out of time.”
    “You definitely seem to have,” he said, his expression softening. “I worry about you. Your head for business is as clear as it ever was when it’s

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