Prince of Fog: Book One
kingdoms. At least they had similar upbringings. If they could dance together, surely he could overlook Aether’s personality and they could work together?

Chapter 6
    “Phew, Rondine. Nearly spoiling things as usual. That man’s always on my tail.”
    “I take it there’s a colourful past between the two of you.” Charce nodded.
    “Very. He was a key supporter of a rebellion in my father’s time. But he somehow managed to worm his way out of punishment. Here he is today, and I can’t touch him.”
    “Ah, heritage. I have quite a few problems like that too. It’s why it’s been hard for me to take action as well.”
    “Which is why you need my help.” Aether smiled, intertwining his hands with Charce’s. “I should be glad they’re making things hard for you.”
    “So I can make your life harder up here by coming to you for aid?” Charce grinned.
    “Well, I’m hoping you can make me hard down here as well.” Aether pulled Charce close to him, until the two of them were hiding in a small alcove just off the corridor.
    Aether bent his head low, gently kissing Charce. The stolen kiss was the sweetest one.
    The young Prince couldn’t find it in himself to refuse being kissed. Charce still craved the physical contact that had been missing from his life. Aether wrapped his arms around Charce, tightening his hold until they were pressed up against each other. His tongue pushed for invasion into Charce’s mouth, and Charce could only taste him as he moaned.
    But they were kissing in the hallway, and Charce had both their reputations to consider. With superhuman willpower, he pushed Aether away, a blush on his cheeks. Even a small kiss was turning him on so much. What had become of him?
    “That was an… interesting poem you gave at the feast, by the way.” Charce licked his lips as he panted.
    “What? You don’t think I’ll make a world-famous poet?” Aether grinned. “I spent a lot of time on that you know?”
    “I think you would make a fantastic poet. You should reconsider being King.” Charce smiled.
    Well, the dance had definitely put someone in a great mood. Aether grinned. Charce was more agreeable than usual. He would have to thank the musicians later. Aether grabbed Charce’s hand again, slowly pulling the young Prince beside him back towards his own bedroom. He wanted more than just a sneaky kiss in an alcove.
    “Hey, I can always work two jobs. Being a King’s not very demanding, you know?” Aether nodded his head, a mock-serious look on his face. “Being a poet’s tiring, but if I juggle my schedule correctly, I’m sure I’ll be able to work something out.”
    “That does sound like a good plan.” Charce followed Aether. What they shared was a forbidden pleasure, but he was happy to go along with the flow for now. He saw no reason to deny himself from being touched and touching Aether. Not in this moment, when things were progressing so well. It would only help things to get Aether on his side, as long as Aether saw how much help his people needed as well. Charce wouldn’t be satisfied with any less. He didn’t want to disappoint his people, but he didn’t want to toy with Aether’s feelings for him either. Both felt equally as important to him.
    Sure, it was a dangerous game they were playing, having trysts as leaders of kingdoms, but he wanted to explore both their territories more. Both as rulers and as men. He could make things easier for himself if he just gave in to whatever Aether wanted, to live up here with tribute paid to his kingdom, but he wouldn’t respect himself as a Prince or a man.
    Charce could definitely separate work and the physical needs of his body. Or at least, he would learn how to from this. He nodded at the promise he made to himself. He wouldn’t just give in to Aether’s demands without taking his own. His gaze lingered on Aether’s back, noticing exactly how built the King was as they made their way down the corridor. He couldn’t ask for

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