Prince of Fog: Book One
Aether’s high energy stances, Charce’s body moved with the sway of the music, the fog at his feet rising up in swirls and patterns around him as he moved fast, and then slow, sometimes even coming to a standstill, his arms and body rising and falling. He was displaying all that life had to offer to him, all that he wanted, and yet could not receive.
    All the time Charce danced with his eyes closed, the swirling of the fog around him entwining and then repelling with the lightning of the music until Charce finally found an arm around his waist. His eyes opened and he was surprised to suddenly see Aether in front of him. He had been so lost in the music he had thought he was alone.
    There was a hungry look in Aether’s eyes. A big smile lingered on his lips as his arms went to Charce’s shoulder. Aether gave him a playful push, which Charce easily stepped away from. He understood what Aether wanted. He wanted to dance.
    Charce held out his hand, moving in to swirl with his fog around Aether who drew most of the gathered eyes on him with his powerful stomps, punches and tumbles. With renewed vigour at having watched Charce dance, Aether attacked the moves, depicting a hunt with small twin whirlwinds as Charce became the mist of a forest.
    With each pound of the drums, the pace picked up, and soon it was clear that Charce was the one Aether was hunting. Charce was smiling hard as he darted, jumped and evaded all of Aether’s chance of capture. The golds and blues of their ceremonial clothes intermingled into a beautiful tapestry of dance, with wind and fog.
    As the tempo of the song picked up, the two of them upped the speed of their steps. Matching each beat with a push in their feet or a block between hands as they exchanged moves in a fight-dance. Charce never confronted Aether head-on, instead using the force from the man’s hands to deflect or shift out of the way.
    The beat was becoming frantic. The climax approached. The clashing of cymbals resounded around the room, and Aether delivered a straight punch forward with Charce blocking it as their final stance before the music stopped.
    There was silence in the room until the two of them stepped apart, and then loud applause resounded around the room.
    Aether grinned, delivering a bow with a flourish to the gathered guests.
    “That was a stupendous performance by our King.” A middle-aged noble with short dark hair, a slight beard and goatee stood up, applauding as he approached the two of them.
    “Thank you, Rondine.” Aether looked relaxed, but Charce could hear the slight edge in his voice.
    He guessed that even up here, there were nobles that weren’t in full support of the King, despite all the wealth and prosperity. Maybe even because it.
    “Our two kingdoms seem to be forming good relations. I do hope the two of you will continue strengthening our bonds, though of course be careful not to overdo it. It wouldn’t be good if you over-exerted yourselves.” Rondine laughed, clapping Aether on the shoulder before disappearing back into the crowd.
    The applause and praise still carried on. Charce wondered if they were genuine or just for the benefit of buttering up to Aether. He had those thoughts whenever people were kind to him in his kingdom. Did Aether think this way? He seemed truly happy though. There were many things he wanted to talk to Aether about. Realisation dawned in Charce’s eyes. Aether could understand him if they both tried.
    “Thank you! Thank you! Now, please, continue to enjoy the party, for your King’s eyes grow weary. Amidst the starry night, he shall no longer tarry, so please, eat and drink as much as your belly can carry!”
    With a wave to the guests, Aether nodded at Charce. They were going to make their escape.
    Charce quickly followed Aether as he disappeared behind the door to their right. Maybe things weren’t as hopeless as they seemed, even if they were royals from rival

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