been standing. He hadn’t looked scary. He had looked worried. Or
maybe guilty.
    “Dank’s gonna get this all worked
out. Stop worrying. Now, you gonna eat that or not because it looks
    I shook my head and Gee snatched it
up and instantly a fork was in her hand.
    “Sip on your drink if you feel
sick. You don’t want to go into shock. The sugar will
    Nodding, I took a small sip of the
cold sweet soda and my stomach seemed to settle some.
    “Why was he here?”
    “Cause he wanted to talk to you, I
guess,” Gee replied before shoving another forkful of salad into
her mouth.
    “The kids at school, his parents,
they’re all forgetting him.”
    Gee nodded, “Yeah they are. He
didn’t have a soul, Pagan. Remember, you are a soul. Your body is
just the house for it. Those with souls will forget him because
their souls were never attached to his. Can’t be attached to
something that isn’t there.”
    “Why do I remember him?” My voice
came out in a whisper. I was almost afraid to hear the answer to
this one.
    Gee set the fork down in her bowl
and sighed. That wasn’t good.
    “You’re different. He has... There
is this... Ugh, why the hell didn’t Dankmar explain this crazy shit
to you?” Gee placed the almost empty tortilla bowl on the coffee
table and broke off a piece of it before leaning back again and
looking at me.
    “Your soul was marked when you were
a child. Leif has some sort of claim on your soul. Now, don’t go
getting all freaked out. Dank is more than able to fix this but
until he does Leif will be linked to you.”
    I didn’t like the sound of that.
“Linked?” I choked out.
    Gee nodded and took another bite of
the broken tortilla bowl in her hand. She was handling all this so
casually. Maybe I needed to calm down. She wasn’t worried. But...
    “Stop frowning, Peggy Ann. It isn’t
all that bad. So, here’s the deal: your mom made a bad decision.
You have a dark spirit determined to claim you. Things could be
worse,” she finished with a shrug of her shoulders.
    “How? How could they be worse? A
dark spirit?” I reached for my soda as my stomach rolled at the
thought of what a dark spirit actually meant.
    “How could it be worse? Well, for
starters, you could be without the complete devotion of Death
himself. I mean, come on, Peggy Ann. What is one dark spirit up
against Death? I mean, really.” Gee rolled her eyes and popped the
last bite, of the tortilla bowl she was holding, into her
    I soaked in her words wishing they
were more comforting.
    “You got anything good recorded on
this thing?” Gee asked, reaching for the remote control.
yes just watch whatever,” I muttered and sipped at my drink wishing
Dank would come home. Now.


Chapter Five
    “Please. If you can save her then
just do it! Do whatever you have to,” my mommy begged with tears
streaming down her face.
    The wrinkled old lady stared down
at me. Her white hair stood out against her dark skin. She studied
me carefully before lifting her glassy gaze back to my mother. “You
axe me for gris-gris dat wilt cause tings you mightna
    “Anything. I’m begging you,
anything you can do. The doctors can’t help her. She’s dying.
Anything, please,” my mommy’s voice broke as she let out a loud
    “Etel ne’er passe’ tis you know,”
the old lady said as she hobbled over to a shelf with hundreds of
containers filled with strange things I didn’t recognize. “What you
axe don matta. Ain’t non udder way. If de beb he want ta live. He
make dat call.”
    I watched as she shuffled around
mixing different items she took off the shelf while she muttered to
    “Who is he?” I heard my mommy
    I had been wondering that myself.
He seemed to be calling the shots not the old lady. Why Mommy was
asking her to help me I didn’t understand. She didn’t look like any
doctor I’d ever seen. When I’d fallen asleep the

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