glanced at the blood on the floor and wondered how we’d clean it. I made a mental note to ask Boggs to try to bring back some bleach, in the off chance they ran across any. It could come in handy for a lot of things. I sat in a corner with Emmett, who was now wide awake. He sneezed twice.
“Bless you,” I whispered.
He curled his mouth into what resembled a smile, but I knew he was too young to do so. Not long after, he wrinkled his face, turned red, and passed gas.
“Feel better?” I asked. I watched him for a long moment. “What are we going to do with you?” I asked him, not expecting an answer.
“Morning,” said Boggs as he entered the room and joined us.
“Abbey and Danny are getting up. We’re going to head out to check the rest of the island.”
“The three of us will head back to the mainland right after, as long as seas are calm enough.”
“Just come back, ok?”
“We will.”
I looked up at him and offered a weak smile. “Take care of Abs?”
“You know I will.”
The island being small and bare of any significant vegetation, clearing it of danger didn’t take more than about an hour. We could see dense mist rolling in from the west, so Danny and Boggs insisted they leave to avoid the fog bank. Waters were as calm as we could expect, according to Danny. The tide was coming in, and the vessel was at the water’s edge. I stayed above while the other three climbed down the rickety steps to the shore. Abbey boarded the canoe first and sat as Boggs and Danny shoved off. I waved as they paddled away from me. I stood there with Emmett in my arms and watched the people who had become my heart vanish from my sight.
During the brief walk back to the small house, the fog bank crept up quickly. As it approached us, I quickened my steps to the doorway and finally the baby and I were inside. I had promised Boggs that we would stay inside with the door locked as much as possible. I already felt so very alone, despite the baby in my arms. I fed and changed him before wrapping him in a receiving blanket and tucking him in on the old sofa. I put one of the backpacks that Danny and Boggs had left with me beside him to keep him from rolling off onto the hard floor. I went to the back room that housed the cellar and pulled the large piece of muslin off of the furniture pile. While using it to cover the blood in the kitchen came to mind, I knew we’d need it for warmth. Resources were too scarce to use on things like covering up a death scene.
While Emmett slept, I went through the furniture pile. Most of it wasn’t salvageable as furniture, but I did find a dresser drawer that I brought out to use as a makeshift bassinette. I lined it with receiving blankets and hoped it wouldn’t be too uncomfortable for the little guy. I organized the contents of the crates, which left us with a pile of books, some expired canned goods, old newspapers, and a couple more flashlights. One of the best finds was a large Ziploc bag half full of candles.
It was a long day sorting the meager supplies and caring for baby Emmett. Once the fog settled, it lingered. Emmett had been awake for hours and was finally sleeping again, now in his dresser drawer. I left him in the living room while I gathered some old newspapers and Nathan’s lighter. I started a small fire in the living room fireplace since the chill of evening was creeping into the old house. I also used the knife I had salvaged from Nathan to pry open a can of corn. The expiration was nearly two years prior, but we didn’t have the luxury of being picky. I ate half and set the rest aside for later. I also drank a full sixteen ounce bottle of water that I found in one of the backpacks.
I decided to leave the baby inside to stay warm by the fire while I went outside to relieve myself. I figured he should sleep for another hour or two, if I was lucky. I walked out into the cool evening air that was still heavy with moisture. The fog