Praetorian Series [3] A Hunter and His Legion
like this, and even if it was at my expense, I was happy to see it.  There’d been too little opportunity for laughter in our lives, and if anyone could use it, it was Helena.
    “Oh… I’ve… ” Helena managed around bursts of laughter, “…noticed that,”
    I scowled at them both, but turned to Artie.  “What else have you told her?”
    She shrugged mischievously and didn’t answer.
    I turned to Helena who was still on her side.  “Don’t listen to anything she says, Helena.  She’s been waging a smear campaign against my good name since high school.”
    “There’s a reason for…” Artie started, but I cut her off with a raised finger and a very nasty look.  She smiled at me smugly and flicked her eyebrows, and I knew it was only a matter of time since I couldn’t chaperone these two forever.
    “ Just get out, Artie,” I ordered.  “I want to have sex with my girlfriend.”
    “Eww!”  She said, recoiling in disgust before smacking my arm.  “That’s disgusting, Jacob.  I don’t need to hear that.”
    “What?”  I asked.  “How do you think I got her pregnant?  First…”
    “Just stop!”  She nearly yelled, before looking at Helena who had finally calmed down.  “How did you put up with him a ll this time?  I mean… I had to.  I’m his sister.  But you?  You had a choice.”
    Helena smiled at her from the floor, but the wink she offered was directed toward me.  “Well, the sex really is quite…”
    “Stop!”  Artie said again, cupping her hands over her ears as she made her way toward the exit.  “I can take a hint.”
    I smiled again.
    This Artie might not have been my Artie, but she was obviously still my sister.
    “Same time tomorrow night?”  Helena asked hopefully.
    Artie glanced behind her as she reached the tent’s exit and smirked.  “Definitely.  I’ve got a great spin the bottle story about Jacob and another bo…”
    “ Out!”  I said, my finger pointing toward the exit.
    Her smile grew before she crawled away, taking the time to zip the tent closed behind her.  I lifted a hand to my head and shook it, realizing just how much dirt my sister really had on me.
    Luckily, Helena proved a quick distraction, taking my hand in her own so that she could pull me to the floor beside her.  I let her, lowering myself so that I lay behind her on my uninjured side and scoot myself in close.  I tried to wrap my weakened arm as carefully as I could around her, but I couldn’t quite extend it around her abdomen, so I simply left it lying atop her hip.  My right arm, however, was beneath her head and wrapped around her chest, gripping her left arm tightly.  I held her against me snugly, taking a joyous moment to inhale the smell of her hair.
    It was comforting and relaxing, but as it sometimes did, her long hair tickled my nose so much that I had to pull away to keep myself from sneezing all over her.  I felt her body bobbing slightly in well humored giggles at my sensitive nose.
    “What?”  I asked, already knowing what.
    “It’s just that I’ve always loved how romantic you are,” she said, kidding around, although she had a point.  Romance was something I wished I was better at, but considering our current life circumstances, I could never find the energy or will to try.
    But I tried now as I caressed the soft skin of her leg gently with my hand, while Helena shifted contentedly in my arms, enjoying the touch.  She hummed pleasingly to herself, so I shifted my hand lower on her leg, but then I touched a patch of slightly rougher skin and everything stopped.  Even Helena’s excitement ceased as quickly as flipping a switch.
    I touched the scar on her leg gingerly, as if pressing against it too hard would somehow make it worse.  I traced my finger along the length of it, moving my finger from the outside of her leg upwards along her hamstring.  My finger stopped just below Helena’s backside, and I heard a sharp intake of breath from her as

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