Portal to Passion

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Book: Read Portal to Passion for Free Online
Authors: Tara Nina
Tags: Erótica
lifted her hair and turned her back to him. His cock throbbed as he stared at the milk-white skin hidden beneath her thick hair. A vision of him taking her in the natural mating position of his kind, from behind, had him hungering to nip at that sensitive flesh while delving his cock deep within her heat, claiming her as his.
    Tor swallowed hard and forced the erotic vision from his thoughts. She couldn’t be his. It wouldn’t be right. Not when there were others ahead of him in more desperate need of a mate. Spine straight, he closed the gap. The heat of her radiating off her back warmed his flesh through the thin material of his clothing.
    His height easily towered her shorter frame. When he reached over her head to place the Amulet of Perception around her neck, the clean essence of her hair filled his senses. The soft texture tickled his nose, making it twitch. Every ounce of him tuned in to this beautiful creature.
    When his fingertips brushed the soft flesh of her neck, its delicate feel taunted him. It shook him to the core to rein in his desire to guide her onto her knees, bend her forward and take her. The visible throb of her life force in the vein transcending her neck had his mouth watering to lick its length and feel her blood pump beneath her skin as he claimed her for his own.
    Tor fought his inner beast. With a shake of his head, he tried desperately to clear his thoughts as he set the clasp and released the amulet to lie perfectly around her throat. Never had his legs trembled as they did now, stepping away from this creature of pure erotic temptation. In three strides, he settled on the corner of his desk, with his arms crossed over his chest and gaze leveled on the foreigner. With the amulet in place, the interrogation began.
    “Tell me,” he commanded. “Who are you? Where are you from?”
    The moment the necklace was around her neck, heat filtered through her entire being. Tingles skittered the length of her spine, along her arms to the tips of her fingers, skimmed her legs all the way to her toes and bounced back to pool in her pussy. The phenomenal sensation pulsating in her clit made her shiver.
    Wow. Deveney hovered on the edge of orgasm, locked between climax and reaching the ultimate goal. Her body hummed. Her breasts throbbed and it was all she could do not to turn and ravish him. But a little voice at the base of her brain reminded her it would end in disaster. With the strange amount of power rippling through her at the moment, she feared that if she touched him, he’d explode into a million pieces.
    When he spoke, the tone of his voice didn’t agree with her, yet the deep rich timbre thrilled her. Slow and deliberate, she turned to face him, tugging the cloak tight to hide the renegade reaction of her body. No need for him to see her rock-hard nipples and think she was easy—even though she did grab him by the cock earlier. Deveney shrugged that little mishap off and prayed he didn’t mention it. She took a deep inhale and concentrated on selecting her words carefully so as not to let slip she’d spoken with Maven. For some reason, Maven wanted that bit of information kept secret.
    “If you wish to speak with me,” she stated in a calm, controlled tone, though nothing on the inside equaled the definition of calm or controlled. Her gut knotted and it took a great effort to keep her voice from cracking. “You will do it in a nicer manner. I’m not exactly sure how I got here, where I am or who you are. The least you can do is pretend to be hospitable.”
    Deveney squared her shoulders and hoped she hid her fear. Until now, she hadn’t truly noticed his massive size. Even though he leaned against the desk, she estimated his height at well over six feet tall, maybe even closer to seven. His shoulders were broad and his biceps were huge, especially flexed in that crossed-arm position. If he meant to intimidate her, it worked, even if he was dressed in a short golden robe that

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