Poppy's Passions

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Book: Read Poppy's Passions for Free Online
Authors: Stephanie Beck
Even her ass was back at its fighting weight, helping balance her stomach, which pressed against her top, big with twins.
    "Poppy, we've got a multiple victim car accident,” her partner on the ER floor announced over her radio. “Feeling okay, hon?"
    "Yep, I'm on my way."
    Serious cases were triaged to the left wing where nurses were ready for the more trauma filled patients. With her balance off and touchy stomach she requested to work the right wing, and after throwing up during an emergency tracheotomy, the request was mercifully granted.
    She scrubbed her hands before entering the cubicle Tammy pointed her to. With her nurse's smile pasted on and senses braced to deal with more of the blood and gore she despised she stepped in.
    "Trevor Paraby?” she asked, checking the chart and assessing the amount of time the patient would require. “Can you tell me your date of birth, please?"
    "That's me, it's July—” he replied, then cursed loud. “Poppy Maguire! Where the hell have you been hiding?"
    "Trevor?” She felt herself pale at the sound of his voice, and when she looked at him her world spun.
    He hopped down from the table and steadied her with the arm not strapped to his chest. “Are you okay, Poppy?"
    "Um, fine.” She fought hard to swallow her anxiety as bile and tears threatened. “You need to sit so I can check your arm. What happened?"
    "Some fucker was pissed I won a race and rammed me,” Trevor explained, retaking his seat on the papered table, though he looked ready to hop down again at any time. “Probably had to do with the quarter million he lost."
    "My goodness, I guess.” Her stomach settled quickly as it usually did, unless she threw up. “Okay, you'll go for x-rays. Tammy will take you but it looks like a clean break from what the EMT onsite reports. It's a very typical injury from car crashes. You're lucky."
    "Can't you take me, babe?” Once again he was off the table and wasted no time in pressing close, his pain tolerance very high, she thought, to sport an erection with a broken arm. “I've missed you like crazy, pretty girl, the way you hug with your whole body, those sweet lips, and your pretty ass."
    His sweet words made the frustration of the past months boil. “You could have called, Trevor Paraby ."
    "Baby, we always travel using our alias names, otherwise we get stalkers and shit. We were going to tell you as soon as we found you, but Cody didn't get your number and you don't have a landline. You also don't put your cell number down for anything.” Her surprise must have showed because he continued. “We looked, believe me. We had a line on you but your dad turned out to be less than helpful, same with your employers. You should be pleased to know your rights have not been violated in any way, the assholes."
    "You called my dad?” Completely horrified at the thought of what conversation could have passed between him and any of the brothers, especially Trevor, she tried to think of the last time she'd spoken with her father.
    Trevor was slouching lower so they were face to face, watching her as she managed her anxiety. “Yeah, I said I was coordinating your school reunion one time and offered a fair prize the other. You're still pale, baby. How about you sit for a minute?"
    "I need an x-ray, Tammy,” she said lifelessly into her radio instead of replying to his concern. “Non-critical."
    "It's an hour out. The right side has some majors coming in. Need a doc for pain meds?"
    "No,” Trevor answered, moving closer to wrap his free arm around her shoulder.
    "Not at this time.” The scent of leather and grease hung on his clothes but the cologne she remembered was there too, filling her nose and turning her on even though she didn't want it to.
    "Okay, go ahead and take your half hour if you want. It's slowed over here. Knock on wood."
    "Here, baby,” Trevor said, fishing a juice box out of his backpack. “You don't look good. Are you working a double shift or something?

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