things turned out the way they did. I can’t imagine living my life without Toy. That woman in there is fuckin amazing, in and out of bed.”
“Toy is a fuckin monster... That woman is like... ” Dorian smiled and unconsciously breathed a deep breath and then sighed.
“Can I finish?” Chris abruptly interrupted.
“Sorry, go ahead man.” Dorian apologized , as he caught Logic giving him a dirty look. “What? I was just agreeing with you.”
”Don‘t make me slap the shit out of you!” Logic responded. “Keep that bullshit up.” Logic warned. “Go ahead Chris.”
“Okay let’s just clear the air once and for all. On the count of three everybody blurt out the name of the person they’d like to wreck, other than their wife. No hard feelings and no discussion and no questions asked. Then we can all just bury this insecure, jealous bullshit. Everybody game?”
“No hard feelings and no bullshit retaliation right?” Logic asked.
“Absolutely none.” Christian assured them.
“Okay I’m in.” Dorian replied.
“Me too!” Logic added.
“I’ve been in. None of them belong to me anyway.” Teddy chuckled.
“Okay then, on three. One... Two... Three... I would totally wreck ...” Christian counted down.
Dorian blurted out, “Queen!”
Teddy sighed, “Toy’s ass.”
Logic blurted, “Jade.”
Christian was silent as they all looked at each other and burst out laughing.
“Okay, I guess you have to break the tie. So who would the Love Doctor destroy?” Logic joked.
“I just wanted to clear the air. It doesn't even matter. So I was saying...”
“Oh fuck that... Which one? Don’t try to evade the question.” Teddy laughed.
“No, I’m not g oing there. I’m good.” Chris chuckled.
“Good my ass. You have to choose.” Logic insisted.
“Yeah, nigga. You got us committing virtual adultery and shit and then you gonna bitch out. Go ahead and spit it out. Who would you wreck and don't even think about saying Queen?
“Christian looked around to make sure the women weren’t listening. Then he admitted, “Okay, Toy. I'd split Toy in half ! Sorry Logic.”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s just part of the game, but get that shit out of your head be cause it ain’t going to happen. And Teddy you already know!”
“You the only nigga with something to say!” Teddy laughed. “We all agreed no questions asked and no backlash!”
“Bitch, that’s easy for you to say, because none of them belong to you.” Logic countered.
“True that!” Teddy laughed. “Still, I’m just saying the rules were no discussion.”
“You know what? What the fuck ever... it’s just fantasy bullshit! I know I got a bad ass wife. So, now that we got that shit out of the way can we get back to this nigga right here? We have to find him a wife before I bust his wife coveting ass for drooling over mine.” Logic joked as he gave Teddy a playful shove.
“Logic if you hold him down, I’ll beat his bitch ass for you!” Christian joked.
“Look, I agree, Teddy is a bitch ass man hoe, but he’s still our boy. I think I have a solution.” Dorian chimed in. “VH1 tried to pitch a reality TV show idea to me for Teddy since he’s such a non-conformist. Naturally, I told them I'd think about it, although I planned to dismiss it. What if we sign with them to do one of those bachelor shows like the Flavor of Love or the Bachelor or some shit like that.”
“Oh hell yeah! That shit could definitely work.” Logic agreed.
“Hell, no! There are some psycho ass women that sign up for those shows.” Teddy complained.
“Yeah, I have to agree with Teddy on this one. Those girls are usually a bunch of crazy ass gold diggers.” Chris interjected.
“That’s what he dates anyway. Besides he’ll get to pick from hundreds probably even thousands of women. It sounds like fun to me .” Logic responded.
“Fun for who? I hate that reality TV bullshit. Besides when I get ready for some sticky icky I’m