Pilgrimage (The New World)
best way to start things off.”
    With the peace temporarily restored, Ross took the empty bunk next to James and began to unload his gear. He thought to himself that this plebe year would already be difficult enough, but it could become next to impossible if the four of them couldn’t get along. He had been in his quarters roughly five minutes, and had already learned another lesson of diplomacy while also demonstrating leadership abilities. Those were facts that had not gone un-noticed by their squad leader who had been listening to the introductions while patrolling the hallway.
    It didn’t take long for Ross to acclimate to academy life. He enjoyed the rigors of the academic pace needed to survive, and seemed to fit in well with many of the other midshipmen. The days and weeks went by quickly, with the help of multiple letters and care packages from Patty and Jessica, and soon he was stepping off the bus in Rumley for a short Christmas break. Jessica tried to give Ross and Patty as much space as possible during their limited time, but the three of them enjoyed some fun times together. She and Patty had really become more like sisters since Ross had left for the academy, and because of that Jessica had transitioned into high school with relative ease.
    Elizabeth Wright invited Robert Martin and his two children over to her house on Christmas Eve for a good home- cooked holiday meal that had been prepared by Patty and herself. The five of them had a really good time, but the highlight of the evening was gathering around the television set after dinner to watch the broadcast from Apollo 8. That mission had just become the first manned spacecraft from Earth to orbit the Moon, and Ross was saddened that Grandpa Hank had not lived long enough to see it happen. The event in itself was the next big step in the effort to eventually land a man on the Moon, so Ross was watching with great enthusiasm. The broadcast from the three astronauts further solidified Ross’ intent to someday travel into space.
    During the last evening before his return bus trip to Annapolis, Patty informed Ross that she had been accepted to the University of Maryland in College Park just outside of Washington D.C. It was great news as she would be much closer to Ross again starting the next fall, and as he earned liberty from the academy they could spend time together.
    Upon his return to Annapolis, Ross and his roommates quickly readjusted to the disciplined environment of academy life. There were some difficult moments as would be expected with four young people from various backgrounds, but for the most part the remainder of the school year went by without any problems. Eventually every plebe has to arrive at the realization that a team effort is needed in order for everyone to survive. Some struggle with academics, while others face challenges with the physical aspects that are required, but with some help from the team all can pull through.
    The only one of the group who seemed to occasionally have difficulties with that concept was Davis Lee, as he had been raised to believe that someone of James Franklin’s color, or Shaun Jamison’s heritage, was inferior to his own. He had let it be known to all who would listen that he, along with his father and grandfather, had been named after Confederate President Jefferson Davis and Confederate General Robert E. Lee. The socialization, or brainwashing, of his outdated southern belief system had been firmly embedded throughout his youth, and it represented the negative side of what otherwise could be a nice bright young man.
    Ross took the opportunity during every skirmish between his roommates to impart wisdom and show leadership abilities, but was also careful not to overstep his boundaries. After all, they were all grown men and it wasn’t his responsibility, or right, to dictate their actions.


    SOON THE PLEBE year, or what’s generally known as the toughest of the four at a military

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