Pick Me
Valentina a family name or were you born on Valentine’s Day?” As he asked, he brushed loose tendrils away from her cheek. His closeness, his gentle caress had her heart racing and her body ready to explode with irrational need.
    She sent him a wry smile, while battling with the urge to draw his firm, sexy lips closer to hers. “Cliché, but true. I’m a Valentine’s baby.”
    One rough thumb stroked her cheek, while the other, her hip. She fought to control her breathing, to not allow him to know how bad she had it for him. Otherwise, Pick Me was doomed before it even had a chance to air—so was her career. But instead of pulling away, she stood there. Loving every wrong moment. Because it felt so right.
    “What’s your full name, Valentina?” he asked, and drew closer. Close enough to catch his scent. Male, pure and simple.
    Eyes half closed and staring at his mouth she said, “Valentina Maria Teresa Bonasera.”
    His lips tilted in a sexy crooked smile. “That’s a mighty big name for a little thing like you. But I’m thinking it suits you. You’re larger than life, despite your pint size.” He grinned then grew serious and stepped back, releasing his hold on her. “Colt Walker,” he said as he took her hand and brought her knuckles to his lips.
    She clenched her thighs to stop the throbbing between them, but it didn’t work. The man was everything she wanted—charming, fun, intelligent and hot as hell. 
    “C’mon, let me show you what I’ve planned for today.” Still holding her hand, Colt led her to the Ranger. “Seeing as how you’d expressed an interest in guns, I had Ruger bring some of his, and gather mine so that you’d have an opportunity for some real target practice.”
    Adrenaline, along with something more, rushed through her as she eyed the weapons. While the guns weren’t an elaborate bouquet of flowers, they were better. Colt had taken into consideration her interest and went out of his way to make sure she’d have a bang up good time.
    “Thanks. Wow.” She ran her hands along some of the carefully packed weapons, then stumbled on one in particular. “Is this a...” Heat rose to her cheeks, and she went back to being unable to complete a sentence.
    Colt brushed his thigh against her rear as he leaned over the backend of the Ranger. “Yeah, that’s the twelve gauge pump shotgun,” he said.
    For a split second, she was tempted to grind her bottom against his thigh, but Colt’s cell phone rang. “Hello,” he said, and stepped away. “No kidding, tough luck...Okay, I’ll tell her.” He slipped his cell phone back into his pocket. “That was Danny. The van broke down about forty miles outside of Dallas.”
    Damn, she’d known it was a mistake to not wait for them. But Danny had insisted they head to Colt’s ranch while they dropped by the studio to pick up Jonas. “Are they sending another van? The temperature is supposed to hit the low ninety’s today. Plus, I don’t think Danny liked how things went this morning. I’m sure he’d want to take extra footage...” She trailed off, stopping herself from revealing the ins and outs of the show’s business. After all, she was playing the role of a school teacher.
    “Another van’s on its way, but Danny said it won’t be there for at least a couple of hours.”
    Nudging the gravel with her hiking boot, she kept her eyes on the ground. Considering they were stranded forty miles from Colt’s ranch, by the time the new van arrived, and the crew transferred the equipment, then traveled the remaining distance, they wouldn’t be there for another three, maybe four hours. Which meant she would be stuck with Colt. Alone.
    She didn’t trust herself.
    When she’d first met him, his teasing blue eyes and crooked grin had caught her attention, and his hard body and skillful mouth had kept her more than sexually satisfied. But his charm, his sense of humor, and his laid back attitude had made her fall for him. But she’d

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