Phoenix Arizona
laid the mug on the nightstand. He was nervous as hell and wasn’t sure what he was going to say. Matt had given Phoenix his number, but that was last night. What if the guy had changed his mind? What do you say to a guy after you fucked him? Would he look at Phoenix as a slut and only want sex? Albeit, great sex. But still, he liked this guy and wanted more.
    Taking a deep breath, Phoenix grabbed the cordless phone off of its cradle. He dialed the scribbled phone number and a part of him hoped to get voice mail. His nerves were wound tight, and he didn’t want to sound like an idiot.
    Was that Matt’s last name? He wasn’t sure he dialed the number correctly. Phoenix bit his bottom lip, wondering if he should just hang up. No, that was childish, and Phoenix wasn’t childish.
    Phoenix cleared his throat. “Matt?”
    “Phoenix.” Matt said his name so breathlessly that Phoenix’s cock jerked.
    “Is it too soon to call you?” Ugh, Phoenix smacked his face. He could see this was going to be a disastrous phone call. He didn’t know the first thing about dating etiquette. Should he have waited a day or two? Should he have just tossed the napkin? Should he have called last night as soon as he had gotten home? Fuck, this dating stuff sucked. He was wound so tight that he was afraid he’d explode before their conversation even got started.
    “No,” Matt said as he gave a low chuckle. The sound was deep and vibrated along Phoenix’s spine, even through the phone. “How do you feel, pup?”
    Phoenix could hear a door close, and everything became quiet on Matt’s end. He could tell the guy just shut himself off in a room by himself.
    “Is this a bad time?” Was the guy at work? He hadn’t thought of that.
    “No and you didn’t answer my question.”
    “I’m okay. I’m a little sore but intact.” Intact? Really? God, he was such a dumbass. Why didn’t he just say his anal cavity was perfectly normal this morning? What a dipshit .
    A deep and seductive chuckle sounded on the other end of the phone, and Phoenix instantly melted. He lay back on his bed, imagining the face attached to that sexy voice. His body relaxed, and that feeling of being safe washed over him once again, even if he was making a damn fool of himself. He liked Matt’s laugh and could listen to it all day. Oh, hell . He was falling for the guy, and Phoenix felt helpless to stop it.
    “I want to see you again, but not in a club. How does lunch sound?”
    Phoenix looked over at his bedside alarm clock. It was eleven in the morning. Shit, that would only give him an hour to get ready and meet Matt wherever. Should he? It would definitely have to be public. This was the first time he met up with someone outside of the club. Phoenix was nervous as hell, but was eager to see Matt again.
    “Where and when?” Phoenix winced at the desperation in his voice. He could see he would be an idiot around Matt, giving in to him and going all goober. Was that good? He didn’t think so, but hell if he could deny how attracted he was to Matt.
    “How about Della’s in an hour? Do you know the place?” Matt asked.
    “Yeah, it’s on the corner of Lorain and Broadview.”
    “Yes, it is. I’ll see you then, Phoenix .”
    Phoenix hit the end button and dropped the phone on the mattress. He heaved a sigh at the way Matt said his name. He had hated that his parents named him Phoenix when his surname was fucking Arizona. Was his mom still hopped up on morphine when that bright idea entered her mind? But when Matt said his name, it sounded exotic, beguiling. He wanted to hear Matt say it again and again.
    Phoenix jumped up from the bed and grabbed some clothes to change into. He had an hour before he had to meet Matt, and it would take at least a half hour to get his hair just right. It was a vanity move, but Phoenix knew he couldn’t leave the house less than perfect. God, Armando was rubbing off on him.
    “Armando,” he yelled

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