Persuading Prudence

Read Persuading Prudence for Free Online

Book: Read Persuading Prudence for Free Online
Authors: Liz Cole
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
day of the week. He sipped a glass of wine while he waited for Prudence to make an appearance.
    She entered the room in a simple gown of rich aqua blue that complemented her coloring, but the loose cut and lack of adornments did little else to enhance her appearance. Kolton stood respectfully, pulled out a chair, and seated her at the table.
    “We will be serving ourselves, my lady, as Rupert insisted on making sure all the rooms were cleaned and aired,” he said conversationally, offering her some hot turtle soup. “Personally, I believe he thinks serving dinner beneath him. Ever the snob is Rupert.”
    His attempt at humor earned a small, reluctant smile. Pleased by this, he continued on in the same vein, succeeding in coaxing a laugh or two out of her before the meal was done and Prudence excused herself and headed up to bed.
    Kolton was encouraged by how easy and relaxed he felt in Pru’s company. It boded well for their future together—and they would have one, he had not changed his mind, just his tactics. He wondered, with a bit of apprehension and, surprisingly, a small amount of anticipation, how she would react when he put his plan into motion.
    Chapter Six

    Kolton knocked briefly before he entered the bedchamber and closed the door behind him. Pru was standing next to the bed in her night rail and robe, wearing a surprised expression, her mouth forming a small ‘o’.
    The lamp on the bedside table caressed her features with its warm glow. Apparently, she had not finished preparing for bed – or at least he hoped not. Her hair was still pulled back in its usual severe style and the spectacles he had begun to despise, propped on her nose. Did she sleep that way? He wouldn’t put it past her at this point.
    “Why are you in my room, Kolton, I did not bid you leave to enter,” she demanded in an irritated tone, pulling her robe closed defensively over her breasts.
    “I have no need of permission to enter my own room, my dear,” he replied, watching her reaction intently. She didn’t appear pleased to see him, but he’d do his best to persuade her to be more receptive.
    She inhaled sharply, her eyes rounding, confusion eclipsing her annoyance. “ Your room?”
    “Yes, my room.”
    “But-but...then why were my things been put here?”
    “I have come to a decision.” He turned and locked the door. Placing the key in the pocket of his robe, he took a calming breath before turning back to her. He liked Pru, but he’d never seriously considered bedding her before. Would his body cooperate?
    “And what might this decision be, my lord?” she asked warily, crossing her arms under her breasts, drawing his attention to the generously rounded mounds.
    “Well, as you have refused my repeated offers of marriage,” he said, dragging his eyes back to her face, “it seems my only recourse is to take the decision entirely out of your hands.”
    Why had he not noticed how nicely shaped and full her breasts were until now?
    “ What ?” she sputtered angrily her hands flying to her hips, one brow raised threateningly. “And how, may I ask, do you plan to do that ?” Regaining her composure, she tightened the sash of her robe, inadvertently revealing her tiny waist and lushly rounded hips.
    When had she developed such delectable figure? And why hide it under such unflattering gowns? What else he might discover about Lady Prudence Mayville if he dug deep enough?
    Kolton smiled confidently as he approached her. “I intend to do it the old fashioned way, by swiving you until you are enceinte. The way I see it, taking the ‘if’ out of the equation, is usually persuasive in matters such as these. Although,” he said, tapping a finger to his chin with an air of contemplation, “I believe it’s a tactic normally employed by women determined to force men to the altar. It is a tried and true method, however, and quite enjoyable—and unerringly effective in most cases. “
    She crossed her arms

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