Perro grande … Perro pequeño

Read Perro grande … Perro pequeño for Free Online

Book: Read Perro grande … Perro pequeño for Free Online
Authors: P. D. Eastman
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P. D. Eastman

    Perro Grande ... Perro Pequeño

    Spanish translation Copyright © 1982 by Random House, Inc. Copyright © 1973 by P. D. Eastman. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States by Random House Inc., New York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto. Library of Congress Catalog in Publication Data: Eastman, P.D. (Philip D.) Peon grande ... perro pequeño = Big dog little dog. Translation of: Big dog ... little dog. SUMMARY: Two dogs are opposite in every way, but are the very best of friends. [1. Dogs-Fiction. 2. Friendship-Fiction] I. Title. PZ7.E1314Bi 1982 [E] 81-12070 eISBN: 978-0-375-98640-6 |AACR2

    Title Page
    First Page

    Fred y Ted eran amigos.
    Fred and Ted were friends.

    Fred era grande.
    Fred was big.
    Ted era pequeño.
    Ted was little.
    Fred siempre tenía dinero.
    Fred always had money.
    Ted nunca tenía un centavo.
    Ted was always broke.
    Cuando caminaban bajo la lluvia, Fred se mojaba pero Ted quedaba seco.
    When they walked in the rain, Fred got wet but Ted stayed dry.
    A los dos les gustabá la música. Fred tocaba la flauta.
    They both liked music. Fred played the flute.
    Ted tocaba la tuba.
    Ted played the tuba.
    Cuando cenaban, Fred comía espinaca ... y Ted comía remolacha.
    When they had dinner, Fred ate the spinach ... and Ted ate the beets.
    Cuando pintaban la casa, Ted usaba pintura roja. Fred usaba pintura verde.
    When they painted the house, Ted used red paint. Fred used green.
    Un día Fred y Ted fueron de viaje.
    One day Fred and Ted took a trip.
    Fred iba en su automóvil verde.
    Fred went in his green car.
    Ted iba en su automóvil rojo.
    Ted went in his red car.
    Fred manejaba su automóvil despacio.
    Fred drove his car slowly.
    Ted manejaba su automóvil deprisa.
    Ted drove his car fast.
    Cuando llegaron a las montañas, Ted esquió el día entero.
    When they got to the mountains, Ted skied all day long.
    Fred patinó el día entero.
    Fred skated all day long.
    Al anochecer ambos estaban muy cansados.
    “¡Mira!” dijo Fred. “¡Un hotelito!”
    By nighttime both of them were very tired.
    “Look!” said Fred. “A small hotel!”
    Fred tomó un cuarto en los altos.
    Fred got a room upstairs.
    Ted tomó un cuarto en los bajos.
    Ted got a room downstairs.
    “Buenas noches, Ted.
    Que duermas bien,” dijo Fred.
    “Good night, Ted.
    Sleep well,” said Fred.
    “Buenas noches, Fred.
    Que duermas bien,” dijo Ted.
    “Good night, Fred.
    Sleep well,” said Ted.
durmieron bien. Arriba, Fred daba porrazos y trompazos y se meneaba y volteaba.
    But they did
sleep well. Upstairs, Fred thumped and bumped and tossed and turned.
    Y abajo, Ted gemía y gruñía y rechinaba y se agitaba por toda la cama.
    And downstairs, Ted moaned and groaned and crashed and thrashed all over the bed.
    Al amanecer Fred llamó por teléfono.
    When morning came, Fred called on the phone.

    “Vamos a pasear,” dijo Fred a Ted.
    “Let’s take a walk,” Fred said to Ted.
    “¡Qué buena idea!” dijo Ted a Fred. “Podemos pasear y conversar.”
    “A good idea!” said Ted to Fred. “We can walk and talk.”
    Hablaron de cosas importantes.
    They made tall talk.
    Hablaron de cosas sin importancia.
    They made small talk.
    “¿Pudiste dormir anoche, Ted?”
    “Did you get any sleep last night, Ted?”
    “¡Ni un pestañazo, Fred!”
    “Not a wink, Fred!”
    “¡Mi cama es muy pequeña!”
    “Mv bed is too little!”
    “¡Mi cama es muy grande!”
    “My bed is too big!”
    “¿Qué podemos hacer, Ted?”
    “No sé, Fred.”
    “What can we do about it, Ted?”
    “I don’t know, Fred.”
    “¡Sé lo que hay que hacer!” dijo el pájaro. “Sólo cambien de cuartos. ¡Ted debe dormir en los altos y Fred debe dormir en los bajos!”
    “I know what to do!” said the bird. “Just switch rooms. Ted should sleep upstairs and Fred should sleep

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