went to the lady’s apartment and released the Prince who hurried off; then Cholmondeley returned to the husband, told him the Prince had retired and that the matter must rest until the morning. And in the morning he told the husband that the matter had been settled and his help would not be required.’
‘That is the sort of servant required by all young men who stray into other men’s beds while they are away from home,’ cried the Duchess. ‘Fortunate George. It would be interesting to know what would have happened if Cholmondeley had not been in his confidence and on the spot.’
‘Scandal, scandal, scandal and the King would have stormed at his son and suffered more sleepless nights on his account.’
‘So all was for the best,’ sighed the Duchess. ‘The Prince remains blissful in his enjoyment of the lady and the husband in his ignorance.’
Charles James Fox who had been listening without much interest to the story said: ‘This brings me to the point of my visit to Your Highnesses. The King cannot long delay giving the Prince an establishment of his own. And when he does the young man will have his friends … not only ladies. He is witty, possessed of intellect and a contrast to his royal father. We will not find our George growing wheat and making butter and buttons. Young George is of a different calibre. When the day comes we should be ready.’
‘We?’ said the Duchess, her startling black-fringed green eyes wide open.
‘Yes,’ said Fox. He waved his hand. ‘Here should be the centre of the Prince’s party.’
‘You think he’ll be a Whig?’
‘Certainly, Highness. Is not old George a Tory?’
The Duchess clasped her hands. ‘Of course. It is inevitable.’
‘His uncle should show an interest in his welfare.’
‘And what will HM say to that?’
‘It will not be the first time Your Highness has acted without the approbation of His Majesty.’
‘We’ll do it,’ cried the Duchess. ‘We’ll cultivate the acquaintance of our nephew.’
‘It will be necessary to go warily.’
‘Very,’ agreed the Duchess. ‘The King won’t have us at Court, you know.’
‘I know it full well, Your Highness. But the Prince will choose his own friends. He will, I believe, find more to interest him in his uncle’s residence than in his father’s royal palaces.’
‘We should be heading for a real family quarrel.’
‘History,’ said Mr Fox cynically, ‘has a rather endearing way of repeating itself.’
‘A Prince’s party to set itself against the King’s party,’ cried the Duchess. ‘We’ll do it.’
‘I thought Your Highness would wish to,’ said Mr Fox demurely.
George was in love once more. He had found the new paragon in the apartments of his sisters when he had gone to visit Charlotte, Augusta and Elizabeth. He had scarcely been able to talk to them so overcome was he by the charms of Miss Mary Hamilton.
Mary was wonderful. Of all the women he had so far loved there was not one to compare with this new charmer. She had all the virtues, and being six years older than he was seemed to him ideal. Nor was she a foolish, simpering girl – as he now thought of Harriot; nor was she a blasé married woman cynically breaking her marriage vows. Mary Hamilton was a pure woman and his love for her was pure.
He confided to his brother Frederick, to Cholmondeley, toMaiden. This was different from anything that had ever happened before. This was a pure affection.
‘Do you imagine,’ he demanded of Frederick, ‘that I wish to seduce this lady?’
Did he not? asked Frederick in surprise.
‘Oh, no, you must understand, Fred, this is a pure love. But for my station in life I should immediately offer her marriage.’
Was this not a little rash?
In the circumstances, no. This was quite different from any of those other adventures of his.
‘Yet at the time …’ Frederick tentatively pointed out.
‘Oh, be silent, Fred. What do you know of love? I have written to