Pale Stars in Her Eyes
Apparently her parents had reconciled themselves to her fate, and according to Lieutenant Herad, had even been paid for her. She didn't precisely blame them, for there was no choice if the S-species selected a young woman, so it seemed ludicrous to still abide by their rules any longer. “You're right and I think I would, yes."
    He poured two glasses and motioned for her to sit at the table. “We can drink this and talk awhile."
    She accepted the invitation, though she lifted one brow skeptically. “You wish to talk?"
    "For now.” He sank down in an opposite chair. “We have plenty of time. All afternoon, in fact. Neither one of the others will be back until late. They have meetings today to discuss strategies when we arrive at Septinium."
    "Why are we going there?” She wasn't sure she could ask in her position, but it didn't hurt to try.
    Luckily, he didn't seem to mind. He sat back in his chair, his long legs extended comfortably, and frowned. “The people there are war-like and a bit primitive. They are raiding nearby planets and causing tension everywhere. Our government wants to avoid an interstellar war. Yes, we can step in if it happens and intercede, but prevention saves lives. Kartel is an expert with this sort of thing, though even he seems doubtful this time. However, he, like Colonel Helm, goes where he is told. Diplomacy first, but military action if necessary. That's why they are both here."
    "I see.” She sipped her wine and found it actually a bit sweet, the taste lingering on her tongue. “And why are you here? I know you invented the engine, but isn't the ship running smoothly?"
    "Her maiden voyage. I am along to make sure she stays running smoothly and to help the technicians understand her."
    "Her? You sound as if it is alive."
    A glimmering smile curved his mouth. “To me, she is. I created her and gave her life."
    "That's an interesting take on it, I suppose."
    "What of you, Jerra? Will you be able to acclimate to your new life?” His handsome face bore true curiosity and what seemed like genuine concern.
    "Do I have a choice?"
    "You seemed to enjoy last night."
    The word ‘embarrassment’ took on a whole new meaning at that blunt observation. She couldn't help but glance at the window and remember he had watched her sexual abandon and seen her entirely naked. “It wasn't what I expected,” she managed to say in a strangled voice.
    "There's more. And with each of us it will be different, I imagine. Sex is a varied world and pleasure comes in all forms.” The timbre of his voice dropped just a telltale notch. “When we finish our wine, I will show you. You'll like it, I promise."
    She looked at him helplessly, her fingers tightening on the stem of her glass. Then, because she was truly curious, she asked, “I don't understand the window. If it is to demean your prisoners, it isn't necessary. I understand full well I have to cooperate."
    His fine brows drew together. “You think it's to demean you?"
    "Why else would you allow me no privacy?"
    He gave her a direct look from those startlingly blue eyes. “It's there because we like to look at you, of course. It also serves to let us know if you are busy or sleeping, and besides, I'm afraid males are very visual creatures. In short, we like to watch. I may have not been the one between your legs last night, but I enjoyed it just the same. I had to go to my quarters and relieve myself manually."
    The explanation was made without any apology or embarrassment and Jerra wondered if she would ever attain such a pragmatic attitude toward the act of sex. She supposed she might, given her circumstances, and in fact, probably should do her best to achieve it as soon as possible. “I suppose I don't really know much about men,” she admitted.
    "S-species are not ordinary males like on your planet, either, but you'll learn. Actually, there is little for you to worry about, Jerra. All you have to do is be willing to give us what we want and if I am

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