Pack Community (Were Chronicles)

Read Pack Community (Were Chronicles) for Free Online

Book: Read Pack Community (Were Chronicles) for Free Online
Authors: Crissy Smith
didn’t like the way Dawson started to shake.
    He shuffled his feet and tried to make himself bigger and block Dawson.
    The man coming towards them put up his hands. “Dawson…”
    Gray was unprepared for Dawson to come around him and punch the man. His head snapped back. Before he recovered, Dawson hit him again. Gray grabbed Dawson’s arms and pulled him back as the other two men started forward. But the man he’d assaulted held up a hand.
    “It’s okay.”
    Dawson didn’t even try to break free of Gray’s hold. Instead he stood there, breathing hard, and glaring daggers at the other man.
    “I know what you must think…”
    “Save it, Case,” Dawson snapped. “I’m all right, Gray. You can let go.”
    Gray still wasn’t sure but he dropped his hold anyway. Maybe they could get some answers.
    Dawson straightened. “You all have just assaulted an officer of this county and his consultant. I would like an explanation before I haul all your asses in to jail.”
    The two wolves bristled before they were waved off. “RJ, Mike—please meet my brother, Dawson.” Then he walked towards Gray and held out a hand. “Casey Williams.”
    Gray cut his eyes to Dawson, who barely nodded his confirmation. Gray shook hands, noticing the power of the cat close to the surface. “Gray Mason.”
    “Ah, the Wolf Council’s representative,” Casey said with a smile. “Didn’t think you’d get here so quick.”
    Gray stiffened but Casey just grinned.
    “Follow us. I think we have some explaining to do.”
    Casey led the way back up into the canyon. Dawson and Gray walked side by side, with the two wolves bringing up the rear. Gray didn’t like strange wolves at his back and he stayed on alert. He needed to know what was going on. They obviously knew who he was.
    The path was well hidden. He and Dawson probably would have found it but only in shifted form and by scent. Casey called out as they approached a cave entrance. A small but sturdy man edged out.
    Dawson and Gray both took fighting stance and prepared to shift.
    “Stop.” The power behind that voice had everyone freezing. “We are not enemies.”
    Gray gasped when the person belonging to the voice walked out of the darkness. After months of searching, he now stood face to face with Prince Zachary, the leader of the felines.
    “What the hell!” Gray growled. He had been away from home for months in hopes that they would be able to rescue the Prince and stop a war between the two species.
    “Grayson.” Prince Zachary bowed his head in respect. “We have much to speak about. Please come sit with us.”
    Gray’s feet started to move before he had even realised it. It was a shock just how much pull the Prince had. He felt a little better with Dawson at his back.
    The Prince motioned them to the pallets of bedding on the cave floor. Gray sat warily and noted the Prince eyeing Dawson. “Dawson Williams.” He held out a hand.
    Dawson looked uncomfortable but grasped the Prince’s hand. He let out a small unmanly squeak when he was pulled into the arms of the Prince.
    “I have wanted to meet you for so long. Your brother has told me stories of this canyon and your family for many years. Forgive me, but I feel like I already know you.”
    Dawson cut his gaze to his brother. Casey shifted a little on his feet. It was interesting, this family dynamic, but Gray was getting impatient. He wanted to know what was going on and he wanted to know why .
    Prince Zachary released Dawson, who sat down quickly next to Gray. Gray gripped his shoulder to show support while the others nodded. Dawson nodded back in thanks.
    “Before you is RJ Cross, Mike Jackson”—he motioned to the two wolves—“and Jesse Grimes.” He waved his hand at the small feline shifter who was still eyeing them.
    “Also let me convey my great appreciation to the Wolf Council for everything they have done for me and my people over the last few months,” Prince Zachary started.
    Gray bit back

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