Owned by the Outlaw

Read Owned by the Outlaw for Free Online

Book: Read Owned by the Outlaw for Free Online
Authors: Jenika Snow
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction, Paranormal, Romantic Erotica
was still standing. He pushed off her car when he saw them approach, and then
he and Malice did that half hug thing men do, and spoke softly with each other.
She opened the back door, and the sound and motion had Dakota slowly waking.
    “Momma, we here?” Dakota rubbed his eyes. He blinked up at her with grey eyes just like his
father’s and smiled.
    “Yeah, baby, we’re here.” After getting him out of
the car seat and grabbing his bag, she walked over to Malice.
    “Hey, buddy.” Malice took him and gave him a hug.
Dakota was the spitting image of Malice, and although he was only three, he was
big for his age. “You think you’ll be able to stay up and watch that Disney
movie we talked about?”
    For the next couple of minutes Dakota and Malice had
this child-like conversation where Dakota became more alert and filled with
energy at the thought of spending time with his dad.
    “Okay, I’ll be leaving tomorrow afternoon probably.”
She leaned in and kissed Dakota on the forehead. “You be good, okay?”
    “Of course, Momma.”
    Malice lifted his phone up and showed her that it
was turned on. “We good?”
    She nodded. “Yeah, we’re good. I can take him home
with me tomorrow—”
    “Can I stay two nights with, Daddy, Momma?” Dakota
gave her this big grey-eyed doe look, one that she was certain Malice had shown
    “Your dad might have plans, buddy.”
    “I’d like to keep him a couple of days. I can bring
him back to Brighton.”
    “If you’re sure?”
    Malice nodded and looked at Dakota. “I’m sure. Hey,
we can watch one of those scary movies your mom never lets you watch.” Malice
wagged his eyebrows, and Dakota chuckled.
    “No scary movies.” She ran her hand over Dakota’s
hair. “Okay. I’ll call tomorrow just to check in.”
    Malice nodded again, and then she stood there and
watched him walk over to his SUV and put Dakota in the backseat before walking
around to the driver’s side and climbing in.
    “You know he still sees you as his old lady,” Tuck
said from beside her.
    “No, he sees me as the mother of his kid, and to
Malice that doesn’t mean an old lady, but a possession.” Maybe to these men
those two things were one and the same, but they both knew Malice wasn’t in
love with her. He just wanted to know he had someone at home. He would never
admit it, but she knew that he just didn’t want to be alone.
    She looked over at Tuck.
    “Take care, sweetie.” He grinned and headed toward
the front of the clubhouse.
    She didn’t stick around any longer. She was going to
Steel Corner, staying at the motel all night, and then in the morning she’d see
how the women were doing. Molly climbed in her car and sat there for a second.
She might not ever admit it to anyone but herself, too, but she hated being
alone. It was an emptiness that slowly ate away at a person until all that
filled them was this void.

Chapter Four
    Stinger increased his speed and took the corner of
the road tight and fast. He had needed to get out of the clubhouse, and there
was nothing more freeing or that cleared the mind more than the tires of his Harley
eating up the road and the cold air hitting him in the face. He increased his
speed even more, saw the blur of the trees out of the corner of his eyes, and
couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face as endorphins rushed
through his veins. He had gone out of Steel Corner, but after a couple hours of
driving he had turned around and was heading home. He just needed a good
night’s sleep. After all the shit that had been happening with the Grizzlies,
their old ladies, and helping out The Brothers, Stinger was worn the fuck out.
The green sign that let him know he was five miles outside of Steel Corner
flashed when his headlight hit it, but it was the sight of someone walking on
the side of the road that had him slowing. The sun had already set hours ago,
and this was a long ass stretch of deserted road at this time of

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