woman ignored him and kept right on going. “Frays, is Carl alright? Frays?! Stop!”
Lacey’s throat constricted when Frays turned to face him his friend’s eyes a roiling sea of anger, pain and confusion. “They beat him, man.” Frays choked out at last, one hand going over her mouth. “They beat him half to death. My baby brother, man. They…h-he…th…his friggin’ jaw is busted…”
Lacey put his arms around her. “He’s gonna be okay, Frays.” he whispered in her ear as he held her tight, gently rocking her from side to side. “He’s a tough kid. Don’t worry. He’ll be up and around being a pain in your ass in no time.”
Frays hugged him back then sniffed and wiped her cheeks. “Yeah.” Frays muttered as she extracted herself from the man’s arms. “Look…I gotta go get the report on this and then get back to the desk.” She looked horrified for a second. “Oh, jeez...Rodriguez has gotta be going nuts. This guy just came in and told me Carl was in the Aid Station…”
“I got the rest of the afternoon off.” Lacey volunteered as the two of them went outside and headed towards the gate. He glanced over his shoulder at the woman and shrugged. “I’ll head over there so Frannie can come over and see Carl.”
The two of them went their separate ways, Lacey sprinting off towards the TOC while Frays went towards the Security Forces building. Sergeant Hanes stopped her a few feet inside the door. “Don’t worry, Frays.” he told her with a reassuring pat on her shoulder “You just go back to the desk over there. The investigation’s already underway. Don’t get all stressed out, alright? We’re gonna catch the guys.”
Frays fumed. “Look…Sergeant…” she said through clenched teeth once she felt like she could open her mouth without shouting “It was Blue Diamond guys. Carl told me. I brought him here because it was gonna be safe. We’re here barely a week and he’s in the hospital.”
The man frowned concernedly. “Frays…listen to me, alright?” he asked quietly as he hooked the woman’s arm and dragged her outside. Sergeant Hanes closed the door behind them and glanced back through the pane of glass. His face became the very picture of seriousness. “Listen. Just keep quiet. Let me handle it. Don’t do anything stupid, alright?” When the woman did not respond he put a hand on her shoulder and squeezed. “Alright?”
“Yes, Sergeant.” She snorted and pressed her lips into a thin line, suddenly realizing how similar this conversation was to one she had with her Flight Sergeant back just before everything went crazy in Boston. “I’m cool. I’m cool. I have to get back to the TOC. Rodriguez…Carl’s girlfriend she was working the desk with me. Jeez…she’s gotta be going insane. I’ll get back over there.”
Rodriguez sat in her chair rolling forward and back, one hand scratching at the scars on her throat. “Rodriguez….” Lacey said as he reached out and caught the armrest of the woman’s chair. “Don’t worry. I’m sure he’s fine.”
Rodriguez exploded out of her chair. “How the fuck do you know that?” She paced around inside the office, still scratching at her throat. She felt this strange sticky warmth on her fingertips and frowned. It took her a moment to connect the blood on her fingers to the burning sensation under her chin. “Fuck…”
Lacey leapt up. “Jeez, Rodriguez…take a seat.” He put a hand on the woman’s shoulder and gently guided her back into her chair. Lacey started pawing through the desk drawers frenetically searching the contents while trying act like he was not in the least freaked out by Rodriguez clawing her skin off in front of him. “Damn…not even a fuckin’ Band-Aid or whatever. Hang on. I’ll be right back.”
“It’s…it’s cool, man.” Rodriguez muttered as she reached out and caught the man’s arm. She blew out a long shuddering breath and licked her lips, her throat and mouth drying