Out of the Blues
fuck,” I said and fell back onto the bed hard. “Holy fuck.”
    He kissed my inner thigh and every nerve ending in my body screamed in reaction. His fingers over mine on the back of his head reminded me that I still clutched at him.
    Holy fuck.
    He lowered my hands to the bed and crawled up my body. His eyes were closed, his expression inscrutable. I was frozen in place. I thought he was going to take what I think I wanted him to take. I spread my legs wider because my asshole was doing strange things and I wanted to explore that, but he didn’t touch me.
    He rose up on his knees and gripped his own dick. I looked. I’d never watched a guy jack off before and this one was going to make sure I was front and center for his turn to get off.
    “Cum on me,” I heard myself say. I watched as my hands reached for his shoulders and pulled him over me, almost as if my hands had grown minds of their own and were satisfying their need to stroke the tattooed skin over hard muscles as he jacked himself. “Cum on me, Kilby,” I said his name, and he opened his eyes. He seemed almost startled to see me. I stroked his arms and arched my groin up to bump my soft dick into his hard one and he fell over me, holding himself off me with one hand while he jacked himself with the other. My legs draped over his thighs. He fucked into his hand, his knuckles scraping along my belly and my dick woke up again.
    Hands over his shoulders, I had to have his tattoos in my palms. I stroked his skin, whispered his name, and whimpered when he dropped his weight onto me. His hard dick slid against mine like it had met its mate and mine was just too hard to care that it was a dick and not a hot pussy that it was fucking. He didn’t kiss me. I didn’t want him to kiss me. He held himself over me, his gaze locked with mine as we rubbed off on each other. “I’m going to come,” he said, his face not that far from mine. I could smell his toothpaste.
    “I am too,” I said, wondering what his toothpaste would taste like.
    He didn’t make a sound when he came. His eyes glazed over and he looked surprised. I felt his cum wash over my belly and my dick and that was it. My first taste of gay sex and I was trembling under a big marine like a little girl.
    When he could breathe again, he crawled off me and left me on the bed without a backward look.
    When he was finished cleaning up in the bathroom he left me to wallow in my own fucking shame like I deserved.

Chapter Six
    In which Kilby goes redneck crazy.
    Hunter sat across from me at the local honky-tonk he and Harper had rented out for a joint ‘gettin’ hitched’ party. The place was out in the boonies not far from the mid-century revival they’d converted into a lake resort and was more of a dive than anything I ever expected to find the Foxworth twins entertaining in.
    “You look different, Kilby?” Hunter leaned over the scarred table and winked at me almost as if we were sharing secrets. “Relaxed or incredibly tense, I haven’t decided.”
    I shrugged and held up my hand to get the passing barmaid’s attention. I wanted a damned pitcher of beer at this point. The house band was giving me a damned headache. “Where the hell did you find these guys? They’re terrible.”
    “Don’t be a music snob, Elvis. I know you live up near Music City but man…okay they are really terrible. I don’t think I can handle another cover of an 80’s hairband song.” Hunter grinned; he was tanned and his hair was streaked with blond from the sun and his smile made his eyes twinkle and I loved my brother with all my heart. “You know Harper and I are in the room next to yours, right?”
    I sat very still. I found the vivacious beauty he’d mentioned as she bopped around the dance floor with a group of girls, women, they were women, I corrected myself. She wore a pair of brown cowboy boots and blue jean shorts so short I was sure she’d freeze to death outside in the early November night

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