Operaciones nocturnas soviéticas en la II Guerra Mundial

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Book: Read Operaciones nocturnas soviéticas en la II Guerra Mundial for Free Online
Authors: Claude R. Sasso
Tags: Bélico, Ensayo, II Guerra Mundial
    Alexandrov, Z. « Night Attack. » Soviet Military Review, August 1978, pp. 47-49.
    Babadjanyan, Amazasp. «Tank and Mechanized Forces.» In The Battle of Kursk , pp. 176-86. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974. Reprinted in P312 Offensive Tactics Advance Sheets , pp. 189-99. Fort Leavenworth, KS: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, June 1981.
    Batov, P. I. «The Blow in Byelorussia.» Soviet Military Review , June 1979, pp. 6-9.
    Beloborodov, A. P. «About Some Military Leaders.» (Interview). Soviet Military Review , July 1981, pp. 49-51.
    — «In the Hills of Manchuria.» USSR Report: Military Affairs , no. 1587 (4 May 1981):104-11. JPRS 77987. Translated by the Foreign Broadcast Information Service from the Russian article in Voyenno-lstoricheskiy Zhurnal [Military history journal], December 1980.
    Blumentritt, Guenther. «Operations in Darkness and Smoke.» Draft translation by A. Schroeder. Mimeographed. U.S. Army, Europe, Historical Division, 1952. MS B-683. CARL N17785.
    Boldyrev, P. «The Bobruisk Operation.» Military Review 24 (March 1945): 105-8. Translated and digested from a Russian article in Krasnaya Zvezda [Red Star], 28 September 1944.
    Chaney, Otto Preston. Zhukov . Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1971.
    Chuikov, Vasilii Ivanovich. The Fall of Berlin . Translated from the Russian by Ruth Kisch. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967.
    — «Street Fighting-The Lessons of Stalingrad.» Military Review 24 (July 1944): 95-99. Digested from an article in An Cosantoir (Ireland), March 1944, that was reprinted from Chuikov’s The Epic Story of Stalingrad (London: Hutchinson & Co., n.d.).
    — V Boyakh Za Ukrainu [In the battle for the Ukraine]. Kiev: Izdatel’stvo Politcheskoi Litertury Ukrainy, 1972. Translation of pp. 81 - 108 by Lt. Col. David M. Glantz.
    Clark, Alan. Barbarossa: The Russian-German Conflict, 1941-1945 . New York: William Morrow and Co., 1965.
    Department of Research into and Application of Wartime Experience, General Staff of the Red Army. Collection of Materials for the Study of War Experience , no. 8, August-October 1942. Moscow, 1943. Translated by the Directorate of Military Intelligence, Canadian Army Headquarters, Ottawa, 30 November 1955. CARL N16582.178-B.
    Despres, John; Dzirkals, Lilita; and Whaley, Barton. Timely Lessons of History: The Manchurian Model for Soviet Strategy . Santa Monica, CA: The Rand Corporation, July 1976. DTIC ADA 028881.
    Duncan, W. D. «Tanks and Infantry in Night Attacks.» Military Review 27 (October 1947):46-56.
    Dzirkals, Lilita I. « Lightning War » in Manchuria: Soviet Military Analysis of the 1945 Far East Campaign . Santa Monica, CA: The Rand Corporation, January 1976. CARL N17074.2261.
    Erickson, John. «Soviet Combined-Arms: Theory and Practice.» Photocopy of typescript. Edinburgh, Scotland: University of Edinburgh, September 1979.
    Flannery, C. M. «Night Operations-The Soviet Approach.» Master’s thesis, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 1978.
    Galitsky, K. «Certain Problems Pertaining to Breakthrough of Position Defenses.» Translated by AC of S, G-2, Department of the Army, from Voyennyi Vestnik [Military Herald], October 1945, pp. 1-10. CARL N18603.26.
    General Staff of the Red Army. «Soviet Manual on Breakthrough of Fortified Areas.» Mimeographed 1944 translation by AC of S, G-2, GSUSA, of the Soviet field regulation. Moscow: Military Publishing House of the People’s Commissariat of Defense, 1944. CARL R16582.105.
    Glantz, David M. «Soviet Operations in Manchuria, August 1945.» Typescript. Fort Leavenworth, KS: Combat Studies Institute, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 1982.
    Guderian, Heinz. Panzer Leader . Translated from the German by Constantine Fitzgibbon. New York: Ballantine Books, 1972, cl965.
    Historical Evaluation and Research Organization. A Study of Breakthrough Operations . Dunn Loring, VA, October 1976.
    Istoriia Vtoroi Mirouoi Voiny, 1939-1945 [History of the

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