One More Kiss (Affair Without End Book 2)

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Book: Read One More Kiss (Affair Without End Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Susan Ward
Tags: Coming of Age, Contemporary, New Adult & College
continued idolization of him is proof of that—can read me accurately without effort.
    “Nothing is wrong, Mom. Taking it easy tonight. I’ve had a long week. Lots of interviews. I’ve got to get a job soon or I’m going to have to move home. The last of my scholarship living stipend is almost gone.”
    Doris laughs. “Oh poor Linda, it would be a fate worse than death to have to move back in with your mother,” she teases, and I know she is just teasing, but for some reason I’m suddenly, internally, very emotional.
    “That would be OK, Mom,” I say.
    “Hey, something is wrong. What’s going on, Linda?”
    “I just need to get my act together. You know. It’s not that easy. Graduating from college doesn’t fix anything. I’m still broke and I’m still short on possibilities. I’ve gotten accepted to the graduate program that I want, and even though I notified the school I intend to enroll, I can’t go. It’s only a tuition scholarship. Nothing else. No way to cover living expenses. I can’t even afford airfare to England. I just thought after graduation some things in my life would get easier. But my degree doesn’t mean anything. It means I’ve got a piece of paper and I better start fixing things real fast, real soon.”
    “Exactly what are we talking about here?”
    “Relationship. Job. Home. Everything is so up in the air since graduation.”
    “Honey, you will always have a home as long as I’m around. The job will come.” I smile. Doris can be so steady at times. “And if I had the money I’d send you to that graduate program in England, but I don’t, sweetie. I just don’t.”
    “I know, Mom.”
    “As for the relationship, I don’t know what to say about that because I didn’t know you were involved with someone.”
    I cringe. Why did I toss on the table tonight the subject of Jack? “It’s complicated,” I say evasively.
    “It always is with you, dear.”
    I take in a big breath. She had to get one in, now didn’t she. I debate with myself and then I say anyway, “Can I ask you something, Mom?”
    “Sure. Anything. You can always ask me anything. I won’t promise I’ll answer, but you can ask me anything.”
    I laugh. Always a wisecrack, Doris. That thought makes me think of Jack, and I’m anxious again.
    “It’s just…Can you love someone too much? So much that you ruin a relationship? So much that you drive them away?”
    “Why do you ask?” My mother’s light mood is suddenly gone. She’s all seriousness now.
    “Just answer me. OK?”
    “No. There is no such thing as loving too much. Love never ruins a relationship. It’s the other baggage we carry through life that does that.”
    A ragged breath shudders out of me. “I’ve been seeing someone. We’ve been together for about eight months.”
    “Eight months! Why didn’t you tell me, Linda.”
    “I didn’t want to jinx it. I really care about this guy. More than I ever expected to about anyone. And I’m making such a mess out of everything right now and I don’t know why, Mom.”
    “Maybe it’s not as bad as you think? You’ve always been a worrier, Linda.”
    I think of the way Jack looked at me before he left. It was awful not seeing the smile in his eyes. “Maybe.”
    “Hey, I’ve got some phone messages for you.” Her voice changes with the change of topic. More light again. “You’re really going to have to start giving out your own number. I’m not an answering service.”
    I will when the phone company turns my phone back on. I don’t say it, but I make a face. “Sorry, Mom.”
    I can hear through the receiver her rummaging around for whatever forgotten scrap of paper she jotted the messages down on.
    “OK, Linda. I’ve got them. Your dad called again.”
    I make another face at the phone. Really? She had to find the message to remember that? “What else, Mom?”
    “Someone by the name of Sandy Harris. Sounded like quite a cutie on the phone. Wants you to call him first thing

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