One Battle Lord’s Fate

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Book: Read One Battle Lord’s Fate for Free Online
Authors: Linda Mooney
Tags: Science-Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, futuristic, post apocalyptic, swords, mutants
out her arms, and Atty walked into them. “Are you okay?” she asked, placing a kiss on the young woman’s forehead. “Any problems?”
    “Things are...wonderful,” Atty admitted, leaving much left unsaid, but Tory could sense the abundance of happiness overflowing from inside her. “Tory, are you leaving because Yulen and I are having sex again?”
    A bright bark of laughter came from the older woman. “Oh, my, Atty! What have I done to you? Listen to yourself!”
    “My innocent, naive little huntress. You’ve gone from shy to bawdy.”
    “I’ve had good teachers.” Atty grinned. “Well? Answer my question.”
    Reluctantly, Tory nodded. “That, among other things. You really don’t need me anymore.”
    “I’ll always need you.” Atty nestled her head back against the woman’s shoulder. “Funny, how when I was growing up, I took Mohmee for granted. And now, when I need her the most, I’m lucky to have you to take her place.”
    “Eenoi spent a large part of her days and nights taking care of Keelor after your sister was born. You were always the independent, healthy one. The few times you were ill, and I can count them on one hand, you were still feisty.” Tory sighed heavily. “You know, I never thought I’d see the day when I’d see you cower before anyone.”
    Atty reared back. “Cower? Me? I never cower.”
    “Oh, yes, you do. Yulen cowers you, but not in a bad way. You cower at love. All it takes is a harsh word or angry look from him, and you’re sunk into sadness. No man should have that much power over you, but he does, because you love him.” She ran her palm over the woman’s cheek, brushing back a few stray wisps of indigo-colored hair. “I hope you cower him in the same way.” She smiled. Happily, Atty smiled in return.
    “I’ll be back, Atty. Don’t worry about that. You’re my daughter, if not in blood, then in my heart. I have a grandson I’ll get to see grow up. And, hopefully, more will follow him.” To her surprise, Atty blushed. “Ah, now, see. My little girl still has some innocence about her. That’s good to know.” Giving her a quick kiss, she said, “I need to start packing. Come with me, and we’ll talk some more.”
    * * *
    The wagon was being loaded with the materials and foodstuffs with the quick efficiency which marked all of the Battle Lord’s orders. Standing to one side, out of the way of the bustling soldiers, Fortune watched the man responsible as he spoke to his lieutenant who would be leading tomorrow’s caravan. The Mutah hunter mused over the circumstances of fate which had brought him to be standing where he was at that moment. A year ago this tall, muscular man had been his sworn enemy. In the dead of night, his men had swarmed into Wallis and ruthlessly murdered Mutah men, women, and children. Only because of Atty’s courage in cutting down sixteen of his men in a hail of arrows, had D’Jacques called a halt to the wholesale slaughter to investigate why they were being attacked. She had been captured and hauled away as his prisoner, leaving them as virtual but safe captives as long as Atty promised to train D’Jacques’ men in how to use the longbow with the same deadly accuracy as she had shown.
    How could any of them have predicted the feelings that would grow between the two adversaries? Who could have foreseen the power and strength of the love that eventually possessed them in the days that followed?
    And now, here he stood, with a future that promised to be long, fruitful, and full of hope. All because of this man. And Atty. Spontaneous, pugnacious, loving Atrilan. As quick to shoot you as she would hug you. Devoted, cunning, and innocent. It was no wonder D’Jacques had fallen as hard as he had for her.
    Fortune cocked his head and watched as Yulen sent several soldiers back to the storehouses for another load. Now that he had ridden with the Battle Lord, fought alongside him, and been among those who had

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