One Battle Lord’s Fate

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Book: Read One Battle Lord’s Fate for Free Online
Authors: Linda Mooney
Tags: Science-Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, futuristic, post apocalyptic, swords, mutants
the woman’s countenance, not to mention the secretive smile she gave her husband as he waited at the bottom of the steps, his hand lifted to help her down the rest of the way.
    “Why don’t we sit down?” Yulen suggested, and the four each took a chair in the living area.
    Noticing he still wasn’t wearing his weapons belt, Tory found herself searching the room for it, finally spotting it on the table by the front door. Although he seldom wore it inside the lodge, she couldn’t remember ever seeing him not wear it when he went outside. Today’s incident had been a rarity.
    “You said you needed to speak with us,” Atty recalled softly. She cradled the baby against her. The tiny boy, his hunger now satisfied, lay drowsily against her warmth. His partially-opened eyes were pale pink in color.
    Tory took a steadying breath and pasted what she hoped was a pleasant smile on her face. “Fortune and I are going back to Wallis with the next caravan,” she announced to them.
    Atty appeared stunned. “Oh?” She gave them a concerned glance . “This is rather sudden, isn’t it?”
    “We’re going to miss you,” Yulen quietly told them. He reached over and took his wife’s hand, squeezing it gently. Tory saw the gesture and knew it was one of a hundred ways they had of showing their devotion to each other.
    “It’s time,” Fortune spoke up. “We need to see how Memnon is doing. Besides, all the excitement’s passed,” he added, grinning.
    “To be honest, we’re torn between staying and going,” Tory continued. “But one thing is certain. We can’t stay here. Not in your home. Yulen, you’re almost completely back in peak condition, if what I saw on the practice field is any indication. And Atty, you have a beautiful little boy to take care of. You don’t need us any longer.”
    “You’re wrong there, Tory. I’ll always need you. But we understand why you have to go back. You feel like outsiders here, don’t you?” Atty asked. When the couple glanced at each other wordlessly, she nodded. “Now you know how I feel sometimes. At least when you’re around, I don’t feel so alone.”
    The Mutah hunter turned to the Battle Lord.
    “If at any time you and Tory decide to come back to Alta Novis, I’ll have other accommodations ready for you,” Yulen promised.
    “Other accommodations?”
    Gesturing with a movement of his head, Yulen explained, “There’s plenty of rooms over at the main lodge. But if none of them aren’t adequate, I’ll have a place built for you.”
    Both of their guests were stunned. “Built for us? Oh, no.” Tory shook her head. “We couldn’t ask you to do that.”
    A smug smile came over Atty’s face. “You don’t have to ask. Yulen and I insist.” Dropping her smile, she added, “When’s the next caravan due out?”
    “Tomorrow,” Yulen answered, glancing at her. “Del Ray is leading it.” Turning back to their guests, he said, “I could have you a new home built within the month. It won’t be large. The compound is still expanding, and I have all my available men working on finishing the new wall before the summer.”
    It was Fortune who stood, making their decision. “We need to go. But if we decide to come back, to stay or to visit again, we’ll let you know. Yulen.” He held out his hand. The Battle Lord stood and accepted it in a warm handshake. “God, what a story I have to tell my grandchildren. You take care, you hear us? Tory, we need to pack.”
    “Can I outfit you a wagon for your trip back?” Yulen offered.
    “That would be very generous of you.”
    “Come with me, then, and let me know what I can have my men supply you with.”
    Nodding, Fortune followed the man out the door, but not before Yulen snatched his weapons belt off the table. Once the door closed behind them, Tory turned back to see Atty watching her carefully, sadness clouding her eyes.
    “Everything’s now as it should be.” Tory smiled wistfully. She held

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